
Professor of Biology
Department of Biology
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521

Office 3346 Spieth Hall
Phone (951) 827-5820


Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1980

UCR Appointment :
Assistant Professor II



Reznick, D. N.  Life history evolution in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata).  Doctoral dissertation, the University of Pennsylvania, 215 pp.

Reznick, D. N., O. J. Sexton, and C. Mantis.  Initial prey preferences in the lizard Sceloporus malachiticus.  Copeia 1981:681‑686.

Reznick, D. N.  "Grandfather effects":  the genetics of inter‑population differences in offspring size in the mosquito fish Gambusia affinis.  Evolution 35:941‑953.

Reznick, D. N. and J. E. Endler.  The impact of predation on life history evolution in Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata). Evolution 36:160‑177.

Reznick, D. N.  Genetic determination of offspring size in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata).  American Naturalist 120:181‑188.

Reznick, D. N.  The impact of predation of life history evolution in Trinidadian guppies:  the genetic components of observed life history differences.  Evolution 36:1236‑1250.

Reznick, D. N.  The structure of guppy life histories:  the tradeoff between growth and reproduction.  Ecology 64:862‑873.

Reznick, D. N.  Costs of reproduction:  an evaluation of the empirical evidence.  Oikos.  44:257‑267.

Reznick, D. N. and O. J. Sexton.  Temporal variation in fecundity in Sceloporus malachiticus.  J. of Herpetology 20:457‑459.

Reznick, D. N., E. Perry and J. Travis.  Measuring the cost of reproduction:  a comment on papers by Bell (1984a, b). Evolution 40:1338‑1344.

Reznick, D. N. and B. Braun*.  Fat cycling in the mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis):  fat storage as a reproductive adaptation  Oecologia 73:401‑413.

Reznick, D. N. and H. Bryga*.  Life history evolution in guppies:  (Poecilia reticulata):  1.  Phenotypic and Genetic Changes in an Introduction Experiment.  Evolution 41:1370‑1385.

Dunham, A. E., D. Miles and D. Reznick.  Life history patterns of squamate reptiles.  In:  Biology of the Reptilia, Vol 16, Ecology B. (C. Gans and R. B. Huey, eds.)  New York: Alan R. Liss Inc., pp. 441-552.

Reznick, D. N
., E. O. Lindbeck* and H. Bryga*.  Slower growth results in larger otoliths:  an experimental test with guppies (Poecilia reticulata).  Can. J. Fish. Aquatic Sci. 46:108‑112.

Reznick, D. N.  Life history evolution in guppies:  2.  Repeatability of field phenotypes and multivariate analyses of life history patterns.  Evolution 42:1285‑1297.

Reznick, D. N. and D. B. Miles.  A review of life history patterns in Poeciliid fishes.  In:  Ecology and Evolution of Livebearing Fishes (Poeciliidae), (G. K. Meffe and F. F. Snelson, eds.)  Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, pp. 125‑148.
Reznick, D. N.  Plasticity in age and size at maturity in male guppies (Poecilia reticulata):  An experimental evaluation of alternative models of development.  J. Evol. Biol. 3:185‑203.

Reznick, D. N., H. Bryga, and J. Endler.  Experimentally induced life‑history in a natural population.  Nature 346:357‑359.

Rodd, H. and D. N. Reznick.  Life history evolution in guppies:  3. The impact of prawn predation on guppy life histories.  Oikos 62:13‑19.

Reznick, D. N.  Maternal effects in fish life histories.  In:  The Unity of Evolutionary Biology, ( E. Dudley, ed.).  Fourth International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology.  Discorides Press, Portland, Oregon, pp. 780-793.

Reznick, D. N.  Measuring the costs of reproduction.  Trends in Ecology and Evolution 7:42‑45.

Reznick, D. N.  Measuring reproductive costs:  response to Partridge.  Trends in Ecology and Evolution 7:134 (letter).

Reznick, D. N., D. B. Miles and S. Winslow*.  Life history of Poecilia picta (Poeciliidae) from Trinidad.  Copeia 1992:782‑790.

Reznick, D. N., A. Meyer and D. Frear*.  Life history of Brachyraphis rhabdophora (Pisces: Poeciliidae).  Copeia 1993:103‑111.

Reznick, D. N. and A. P. Yang*.  The influence of fluctuating resource availability on female life histories in Poecilia reticulata:  patterns of allocation and plasticity.  Ecology 74:2011-2019.

Reznick, D. N.  New model systems for studying the evolutionary biology of aging. Genetica 91:79-88.

Reznick, D. N.  Norms of reaction in fishes.  In:  Proceedings of the Conference on the Management and Exploitation of Evolving Resources, (T. K. Stokes and R. Law, eds).  Springer‑Verlag, New York, pp. 72-90.
Reznick, D. N., R. I. Baxter and J. A. Endler.  Long-term studies of tropical streamfish communities:  the use of field notes and museum collections to reconstruct communities of the past.  American Zoologist 34:452-462.

Reznick, D. N.  Contributions to "Encyclopedia of Ecology and Environmental Management".  Blackwell Scientific, Oxford.  Definition of Oviparity, Ovoviviparity, viviparity, Microevolutionary Tradeoff.

Reznick, D. NEcological research.  Science 269:1202 (letter).

Power, M. E., et al.  The role of experiments in ecology.  Science 270:561 (letter).

Sato, A., F. Figueroa, C. O'Huigin, D. N. Reznick and J. Klein.  Identification of major histocompatibility complex genes in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata.  Immunogenetics. 43:28-49.

Reznick, D. N., H. F. Rodd and M. Cardenas*.  Life history evolution in guppies (Poecilia reticulata:  Poeciliidae).  4.  Convergence in life history phenotypes.  American Naturalist 147:319-338.

Reznick, D. N. and H. Bryga.  Life history evolution in guppies (Poecilia reticulata): Poeciliidae):  5.  Genetic basis of parallelism in life histories.  American Naturalist 147:339-359.

Reznick, D., H. Callahan* and R. Llauredo*.  Maternal effects on offspring quality in Poeciliid fishes.  American Zoologist 36:147-156.

Reznick, D. N., M. J. Butler IV, F. H. Rodd, and P. Ross.  Life history evolution in guppies (Poecilia reticulata).  6. Differential mortality as a mechanism for natural selection.  Evolution 50:1651-1660.

Reznick, D. N
.  Life history evolution in guppies:  a model system for the empirical study of adaptation.  Netherlands Journal of Zoology 46(3-4):1-19.

Kolluru, G. R. and D. N. Reznick.  Genetic and social control of male maturation in Phallichthys quadripunctatus (Pisces:  Poeciliidae).  J. Evol. Biol. 9:695-715.

Reznick, D. N. and J. Travis.  The empirical study of adaptation in natural populations.   In:  Adaptation, (M. R. Rose and G. V. Lauder, eds.).  Academic Press, San Diego, CA, pp. 243-290.

Travis, J. and D. N. Reznick.  Experimental approaches to the study of evolution.  In:  State of Experimental Ecology:  Questions, Levels and Approaches, (J. Bernardo and W. J. Resetarits, Jr., eds).  Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Reznick, D. N.  Life history evolution in Guppies (Poecilia reticulata):  Guppies as a model for studying the evolutionary biology of aging.  Experimental Gerontology 32/3:245-258.

Rodd, F. H. and D. N. Reznick.  Variation in the demography of natural populations  of guppies: the importance of predation and life histories.  Ecology 78:405-418.

Rodd, F. H., D. N. Reznick and M. B. Sokolowski.  Phenotypic plasticity in the life history traits of Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata):  responses to social environment.  Ecology 78:419-433.

Reznick, D. N., F. H. Shaw, F. H. Rodd, and R. G. Shaw.  Evaluation of the rate of evolution in natural populations of guppies (Poecilia reticulata).  Science 275:1934-1937.

Hughes, KA, L. Du*, F. H. Rodd and D. N. Reznick.  Familiarity leads to female mate preference for novel males in the guppy Poecilia reticulata.  Animal Behavior 58: 907-916.

Reznick, D. N and C.  Ghalambor.  Evolutionary biology - Sex and death.  Science 286:2458-2459.

Morey, S and D. Reznick.  A comparative analysis of plasticity in larval development in three species of spadefoot toads.  Ecology 81:1736-1749.

Reznick, D. N., L. Nunney and A. Tessier.  Big houses, big cars, superfleas and the costs of reproduction.  Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15: 421-425.

Arias, Ai-Li* and D. Reznick.  Life history of Phalloceros caudimaculatus: A novel variation on the theme of livebearing in the family Poeciliidae.  Copeia 2000: 792-798.

Morey, S. and D. Reznick.  Effects of larval density on postmetamorphic spadefoot toads (Scaphiopus hammondii).  Ecology 82: 510-522.

Reznick, D., M. J. Butler IV, and H. Rodd.  Life history evolution in guppies 7: The comparative ecology of high and low predation environments.  American Naturalist 157: 126-140.

Grether, G. F., D. F. Millie, M. J. Bryant, D. N. Reznick and W. Mayea*.  Rainforest canopy cover, resource availability, and life history evolution in guppies.  Ecology 82: 1546-1559.

Reznick, D. N., G. Buckwalter, J. Groff, and D. Elder.  The evolution of senescence in natural populations of guppies (Poecilia reticulata): A comparative approach. Exp. Gerontol. 36: 791-812.

Leips, J., C. T. Baril, F. H. Rodd, D. N. Reznick, F. Bashey, G. J. Visser, and J. Travis.  The suitability of calcein to mark poeciliid fish and a new method of detection.  Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 130:501-507.

Reznick, D. N.  Natural selection - introduction.  Encylopedia of Life Sciences, Nature Publishing Group, London.

Reznick, D. N. and J. Travis.  An introduction to the concept of adaptation and its empirical foundations.   In Evolutionary Ecology: Concepts and Case Studies, (C. Fox, D. Roff, and D. Fairbairn, eds.).  Oxford University Press.

Halama, K. J. and D. N. Reznick.  Adaptation, optimality, and the meaning of phenotypic variation in natural populations.  In Adaptation and Optimality, (S. H. Orzack and E. Sober, eds.).  Cambridge University Press.

Reznick, D. N. and C. Ghalambor.  The population ecology of contemporary adaptation: What empirical studies reveal about the conditions that promote adaptive evolution. Genetica 112/113: 183-198.

Reznick, D. N., M. J. Bryant, and F. Bashey.  r- and K-selection revisited: The role of density, resources, and environmental fluctuations in life-history evolution.  Ecology 83: 1509-1520.

Bronikowski, AM; Clark, ME; Rodd, FH; Reznick, DN.  Population-dynamic consequences of predator-induced life history variation in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Ecology 83:2194-2204.

Reznick, D., C. Ghalambor, and L. Nunney.  The evolution of senescence in fish.  Mechanisms of Aging and development. 123: 773-789.

Reznick, D. N., M. Mateos, and M. S. Springer.  Independent origins and rapid evolution of the placenta in the fish genus Poeciliopsis.  Science 298: 1018-1020.

Ghalambor, C. K., J. A. Walker, and D. N. Reznick.  Multi-trait selection, adaptation, and constraints on the evolution of burst swimming performance.  Integrative and Comparative Biology 43: 431-438.

Morey, S. and D. N. Reznick.  The Relationship Between Habitat Permanence and Larval Development in California Spadefoot Toads: Field and Laboratory Comparisons of Developmental Plasticity.  Oikos 104: 172-190
Bryant, M. and D. N. Reznick.  Comparative Studies of Senescence in Natural Populations of Guppies.  American Naturalist 163: 55-68.

Ghalambor, C. K., D. N. Reznick and J. A. Walker.  Constraints on adaptive evolution: The functional tradeoff between reproduction and fast-start swimming performance in the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata).  American Naturalist 164: 38-50.

Reznick, D. N., Bryant, M., Roff D. A., Ghalambor, G. and Ghalambor, D. E.  2004.  Effects of extrinsic mortality on the evolution of senescence in guppies.  Nature 431: 1095-1099.
Featured as an “Emerging Research Front Paper” by Thomson Reuters ScienceWatch – October 2008.

Reznick, D. N., L. Nunney, and H. Rodd.   Empirical evidence for rapid evolution.  In Evolutionary Conservation Biology, (D. Couvet, U. Diekman, and R. Ferrier, eds). Cambridge University Press.

Doughty, P. and D. N. Reznick.  Patterns and analysis of adaptive phenotypic plasticity in animals. Pp. 126-150 in Phenotypic Plasticity: Functional and Conceptual Approaches, (T. J.DeWitt and S. M. Scheiner, eds.).  Oxford University Press.

Arendt, J. D. and Reznick, D. N. Evolution of growth rate in female guppies (Poecilia reticulata): predator regime or resource level? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 272: 333-337.

Hughes, K. A., F. Helen Rodd, David. N. Reznick.Genetic and Environmental Effects on Secondary Sex Traits in Guppies (Poecilia reticulata). Journal of  Evolutionary Biology 18: 35-45.

Lawton, B. R., L. Sevigny, C. Oergfell, D. N. Reznick, R. J. O’Neill and M. J. O’Neill.  Allelic expression of IGF2 in live-bearing, matrotrophic fish.  Development, Genes and Evolution 214: 207-212.

Reznick, D. N.  The genetic basis of aging: An evolutionary biologist’s perspective.  Sci. Aging Knowl. Environ. 2005: pp.pe.7 [DOI: 10.1126/Sageke.2005.11.pe7].

Reznick, D. N. and C. Ghalambor.  Can commercial fishing cause evolution?  Answers from guppies.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62: 791-801.

Reznick, D. N. and C. Ghalambor.  Selection in nature: Experimental manipulations of natural populations.  Integrative and Comparative Biology 45: 456-462.

Walker JA, Ghalambor CK, Griset OL, McKenny D and Reznick, D. N.  Do faster starts increase the probability of evading predators? Functional Ecology 19 (5): 808-815 .

Hendry, A. P., M. L. Kelly, M. T. Kinnison and D. N. Reznick.  Parallel evolution of the Sexes?  Effects of predation and habitat features on the size and shape of wild guppies. J. Evolutionary Biology 19: 741-754.

Reznick, D. N
., M. J. Bryant, and D. Holmes.  The evolution of senescence and post-reproductive lifespan in guppies (Poecilia reticulata).  PLOS-Biology 4: 136-143.
Millar NP, Reznick DN, Kinnison MT, et al. Disentangling the selective factors that act on male colour in wild guppies: Oikos 113 (1): 1-12.

Crispo E, Bentzen P, Reznick DN, Kinnison M and Hendry, A.  The relative influence of natural selection and geography on gene flow in guppies. Molecular Ecology 15 (1): 49-62.

Olendorf, R.  F. Helen Rodd, David Punzalan, Anne E. Houde, Carla Hurt, David N. Reznick & Kimberly A. Hughes.  Frequency-dependent survival in natural guppy populations.  Nature 441: 633-636.

Reznick, D.N., E. Schultz, S. Morey and D. Roff.  On the virtue of being the first born: the influence of date of birth on fitness in the mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis.  Oikos 114: 135-147.

Pires, M. N., K. McBride*, D. N. Reznick.  Interpopulation Variation in Life-History Traits of Poeciliopsis prolifica: Implications for the Study of Placental Evolution.  J. Exp. Zoology 307A: 113-125.

Reznick, D., M. Bryant.  Comparative Long-Term Mark-Recapture Studies of Guppies (Poecilia reticulata):  Differences Among High and Low Predation Localities in Growth and Survival.  Annals Zoologica Fennic 44: 152-160.

Ghalambor, C. K., J. K. McKay, S. P. Carroll, and D. N. Reznick.  Adaptive versus non-adaptive phenotypic plasticity and the potential for adaptation to new environments.   Functional Ecology 21: 394-407.

Carroll, S. P., A. P. Hendry, D. N. Reznick and C. W. Fox.  Evolution on ecological time-scales.  Functional Ecology 21: 387-393.

Reznick, D. N., R. Meredith and B. B. Collette.  Independent evolution of complex life history adaptations in two families of fishes, live-bearing halfbeaks (Zenarchopteridae, Beloniformes) an Poeciliidae (Cyprinodontiformes).  Evolution 61: 2570-2583.

Reznick, D. N., T. Hrbek, S. Caura* , J. De Greef, D. Roff.  Life History of Xenodexia ctenolepis: Implications for life history evolution in the family Poeciliidae.  Biological J. of the Linnean Society 92: 77-85.

Zuniga-Vega, J. J., D. N. Reznick and J. B. Johnson.  Habitat predicts reproductive superfetation and body shape in the livebearing fish Poeciliopsis turrubarensis.  Oikos 116: 995-1005.

Reznick, D. N.
, C. K. Ghalambor, K. Crooks.  Understanding the Evolutionary Consequences of Predator Removal in Natural Communities: Experimental Studies of Evolution in Guppies as a Model System.  Molecular Ecology 17: 97-107.

Banet, A. I. and D. N. Reznick.  Do Placental Species Abort Offspring?  Testing an Assumption of the Trexler-DeAngelis Model.  Functional Ecology 22: 323-331.

Walsh, M. and D. N. Reznick Interactions between the direct and indirect effects of predators determine life history evolution in a killifish.  PNAS 105: 594-599.

Arendt, J.,  Reznick, D. N.  Convergence and parallelism reconsidered: What have we learned about the genetics of adaptation.  Trends in Ecology and Evolution 23:

O’Neill, M, B. R. Lawton, M. Mateos, D. M. Carone, G. C. Ferreri, T. Hrbek, R. W.
Meredith, D. N. Reznick.  Ancient and continuing Darwinian selection on insulin-like growth factor II in placental fishes.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 104: 12404-12409.

Arendt, J. and D. N. Reznick.  Moving  beyond phylogenetic assumptions about
evolutionary convergence:  response to Leander.  Trends in Ecology and Evolution 23: 483-484.

Turcotte, M. M., M. N. Pires, R. C. Vrijenhoek and D. N. Reznick.  Pre- and post-
fertilization maternal provisioning in livebearing fish species and their hybrids
(Poeciliidae: Poeciliopsis).  Functional Ecology 22: 1118-1124.

Kemp, D. J., D. N. Reznick and G. F. Grether.  Ornamental evolution in Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulate): insights from sensory processing-based analyses of entire colour patterns.  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 95: 734-747.

Reznick, D. N. and R. E. Ricklefs.  Darwin’s bridge between microevolution and macroevolution.  Nature 457: 837-842.

Langerhans, B. and D. Reznick.  Ecology and evolution of swimming performance in fishes: predicting evolution with biomechanics.  In Fish locomotion: an etho-ecological perspective.  P. Domenici, B. G. Kapoor, eds.  Enfield, Science Publishers.  In press.

Irschick, D. and D. N. Reznick.  Field experiments and experimental evolution: a practical guide. in  Experimental Evolution.  Theodore Garland and Michael Rose,
eds.  U. of California Press, in press.

Reznick, D.  H. F. R. Weldon.  In Evolution – The first four billion years.  M. Ruse and J.Travis, eds. Harvard University Press.

Travis, J. and D. Reznick. Adaptation.  In Evolution – The first four billion years.  M. Ruse and J. Travis, eds.  Harvard University Press.


Reznick, D. N.  2009.  The Origin Then and Now: An Interpretive Guide to the Origin of Species.  Princeton University Press.  To appear Nov. 2009.
Book Reviews
    Review of Alternative Life‑History Styles of Animals.  M. N. Bruton, ed.  Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht and Boston‑in Quart.  Rev. of Biol. 65:347‑348.

Review of Reproductive Success:  Studies of Individual Variation in Contrasting Breeding Systems.  T. H. Clutton‑Brock, ed.  Chicago University Press, Chicago‑in J. Evol. Biol. 3:477‑481.

Natural Plastic:  Review of Phenotypic Plasticity: Beyond Nature and Nurture.  M. Pigliucci.  The Johns Hopkins University Press. - in Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17: 294-5.

Lessons learned from guppies:  review of Evolutionary Ecology: the Trinidadian guppy by Anne Magurran. Oxford University Press, 2005 – in Trends in Ecology and Evolution, in press.

* undergraduate co-authors