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                                                RESISTANCE TO PESTICIDES



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Pesticide-induced Mortality in Beneficials

Pesticide Resistance in Beneficial Organisms

Pesticide Resistance in Beneficials (population ecology)

Pesticide Resistance in Beneficials (preadaptation)

Pesticide Resistance in Beneficials (documentation bias)

Pesticide Resistance in Beneficials (fitness costs)

Pesticide Resistance in Beneficials (food limitation)

Pesticide Resistance in Beneficials (genetic fitness cost)


Pesticide Resistance in Beneficials:  Intrinsic Tolerance

Pesticide Resistance in Beneficials (life history)

Pesticide Resistance in Beneficials (overview)

Pesticide Resistance [VanDriesche & Bellows (1996)

Pesticide Tolerance

Pesticide Use & Biocontrol

Pest-Upset Versus Pest Resurgence