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                PANAMA CANAL                          



                ------ Please CLICK on pictures to enlarge:                                                                   Panama map    Panama Canal map


canal 32 -- Awaiting entrance to the Panama Canal near Panama City



canal 33 -- At the entrance to the Panama Canal near Panama City



canal 34 -- The western shore of the Panama Canal near the Pacific entrance



canal 35 -- Tropical forest along the Panama Canal




canal 36 -- Construction activity for widening the Panama Canal



canal 37 -- In the first lock from the Pacific side of the Panama Canal


canal 38 -- The Miraflores lock of the Panama Canal



canal 39 -- Along the Panama Canal



canal 40 -- Along the Panama Canal



canal 41 -- Another lock along the Panama Canal



canal 42 -- Along the Panama Canal




canal 43 -- Maintenance buildings along the Panama Canal



canal 44 -- Erosion control terraces along the Panama Canal



canal 45 -- The Bridge of The Americas over the Panama Canal



canal 46 -- Royal palms and tropical forest along the Panama Canal



canal 47 -- Royal palms and tropical forest along the Panama Canal



canal 48 -- More erosion control terraces along the Panama Canal



canal 49 -- The Bridge of The Americas over the Panama Canal



canal 50 -- More erosion control terraces along the Panama Canal



canal 51 -- Wild areas along the central Panama Canal





canal 52 -- Wild areas along the central Panama Canal




canal 53 -- Muddy waters in the Panama Canal




canal 54 -- A river entering the Panama Canal




canal 55 -- Muddy waters in the Panama Canal




canal 56 -- Crocodiles on the eastern shore of the Panama Canal




canal 62 -- Crocodiles on the eastern shore of the Panama Canal




canal 57 -- Dredging equipment in the Gatún Lakel



canal 58 -- German maintenance equipment in the Gatún Lake



canal 59 -- An open shore and river entrance along the Panama Canal



canal 60 -- An open shore and river entrance along the Panama Canal




canal 61 -- An open shore along the Panama Canal