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Cameron, M. (1943) New species of Staphylinidae (Col.) from
Australia and New Guinea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 11, (X) 336-354. Cameron, M, (1944a) New Oriental Staphylinidae (Col.). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser.
11 (XI) 312- 322. Cameron, M. (1944b) New species of Staphylinidae (Col.)
from the Falkland Islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. II (XI) 618-621. Casey, T.L. (1885) New genera and species of Californian
Coleoptera. Bull. Calif A cad. Sci. I, 285-336. Casey, T.L. (1892) Coleopterological notices, IV. Ann. N.
Y. Acad. Sci. 6, 359-712. Casey, T.L. (1893) Coleopterological notices, V. Ann. N. Y.
A cad. Sci. 7, 281-606. Casey, T.L. (1904) On some new Coleoptera, including five
new genera. Can. Entomol. 36,312- 324. Casey, T.L. (1906) Observations on the staphylinid groups
Aleocharniae and Xantholini chiefly of America.
Trans. A cad. Sci. St. Louis 16, 125-435. Casey, T.L. (1911) New American species of Aleocharinae and
Myllaeninae. Memoirs on the Coleoptera 2, 1-245. Chamberlin, J.C. and Ferris, G.F. (1929) On Liparocephalus
and allied genera (Coleoptera:
Staphylinidae). Pan-Pac.
Entomol. 5, 137-1431153-162,5 figs. Champion, G.C. (1887) On the priority of various generic
names in use in British Coleoptera. Entomol. Mon.
Mag. 23, 227-230. Champion, G.C. (1889) Some remarks on the two species of
Diglossa, occurring in Britain. Entomol. Mon.
Mag. 35, 264-265. Chevrolat, L.A.A. (1843) Description d'une nouvelle espece du
genre Myrmedonia. Rev. ZaGl. 6, 43-43. Curtis, J. (1838) British Entomology; being
illustrations and descriptions of the genera of insects found in Great
Britain and Ireland: containing colored figures from nature of the most rare and beautiful
species, and in many instances of the plants upon which they are found. V. 15
pis. 674-721.
(London.) Eichelbaum, F. (1909)
Katalog der Staphyliniden-gattungen nebst Angabe ihrer Literatur, Syno., nyme, Artenzahl, geographischen Verbreitung und ihrer
bekannten Larvenstande. Mem-:&C:- --Entomol. Belg. 17,17-280. Enderlein, G. (1909) Die Insekten
des Antarktischen Gebietes. Deutsche Súdpolar-Exp. 10. Zool. II. 1908(1909) 361-518. Erichson, W.F. (1839)
Genera et Species Staphylinorum Insectorum Coleopterorum Familiae (pt. I) (Berlin) pp. 1-400. Erichson, W.F. (1840)
Genera et Species Staphylinorum Insectorum Coleopterorum Familiae (pt. 2) (Berlin) pp. 401-954. Esaki, T. (1956)
Biological notes on Brachypronomaea Sawada. Kontyu 24,
199-200. Fall, H.C. (1916) Three new Coleoptera from Washington
state. Bull. Brooklyn Entomol. Soc. II, 13-14. Fauvel, C.A.A. (1862) Notice sur quelques aleochariens
nouveaux on peu connus et description des larves de Phytosus
et Leptusa. Ann. Soc. Entomol. Fr. Ser. 4, (2) 81-94. Fauvel, C.A.A. (1863)
Notice sur quelques aleochariens nouveau ou peu connus (suite I). Ann. Soc. Entomol. Fr. Ser. 4, (3)
211-222. Fauvel, C.A.A. (1877) Les staphylinides
de I' Australie et de la Polynesie. Ann. Civ. Stor. Genova 10, 168-298. Fauvel, C.A.A. (1909)
Staphylinides exotique nouveaux, pt. 3. Rev. Entomol. 24,113-147. Fenyes, A. (1912)
Aleocharinae (fam. Staphylinidae, Col.) from the Aleutian Islands.
Proc. Pac. Coast Entomol.
Soc. 4 pp. (unnumbered). Fenyes, A. (1918) Genera
Insectorum. Coleoptera. fam. Staphylinidae. subfam. Aleocharinae. fasc. 173a, 1-110. |