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-13- It was later reported by Sharp (1908) on the authority of
Fauvel to be the same as Diestota testacea Kraatz. Blackburn stated,
'The dissection... might possibly lead to the establishment of a new genus.. .'.
It is more than likely neither a Bolitochara or a Diestota. Its
true identity will have to await further study. Tribe
This tribe contains a large number of genera which are
united largely on the basis of the number of tarsal segments, the anterior
tarsi having 4 segments, the middle and posterior tarsi being composed of 5
segments. Numerous students have expressed the opinion that this is an
artificial grouping not indicating true evolutionary relationships. However,
it is the best we have at present. KEY TO GENERA OF MARINE MYRMEDONIINI
I. Anterior coxae closed behind; pronotum
cordate.................................................... Falagria Anterior coxae open behind ............................................................................................2 2. Sternites I to 3 constricted or sulcate at
base. ................................................... Tachyusa Sternites not constricted or sulcate.
..............................................................................3 3. Neck narrow, two-fifths as wide as head.
....................................................Myrmecopora Neck broad.
.................................................. .............................................................4 4. Middle coxae widely separated. .
.........................................................................Drusilla Middle coxae contiguous or narrowly
separated. .............................................................5 5. Pubescence of disc of pronotum
longitudinal. ................................................Pontamalota Pubescence of disc of pronotum
transverse. ...................................................................6 6. Ligula
simple ..................................................
..................................................Acticola Ligula bifid.
...............................................................7 7. Middle coxal cavities margined by a
carina. ....................................................................8 Middle coxal cavities not margined .
..............................................................................9 8. Mandibles not greatly prominent.
...........................................................................Atheta Mandibles greatly prominent. .
.........................................................................Halobrecta 9. Labrum deeply emarginate
.................................................................................Iotarphia Labrum truncate ..................................................
............................................Tarphiota Falagria
Mannerheim. Members of this genus have a characteristic appearance known as
'falagroid' which they share with numerous unrelated genera but no marine
genera except Diglotta: the neck is slender with the pronotum and
abdomen constricted at base. The structure of the prosternum is unusual. It
is produced posteriorly between the anterior coxae and then laterally to the
hypomera completely closing the anterior coxal cavities. This can usually be
seen only by relaxing the specimen and lifting the coxa. The genus is a
rather large one with only one species, F. obscura Gravenhorst,
reported by Fowler (1888) from 'haystack refuse, decaying seaweed, and general
vegetable rubbish." Tachyusa Erichson. Like Falagria the
species of this genus do not normally |