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Fulton, B. B. 1922.  Destroy the earwigs.  Oreo Agr. Col. E:xpt. Sta., Sta. Cir. 29: 1-3.


__________1923.  Some experiments on poison baits for the European earwig. Jour. Econ. Ent., 16(4): 369-376.


Gibson, Arthur, and R. Glendenning.  1925. The European earwig an undesirable pest. Canada Dept. Agr. Ent. Branch Cir. 24, 4 pp.


Guppy, Richard.  1947.  Results of a season's study of the European earwig, Forficula auricularia. Proc. Ent. Soc. of B. C. 43: 1-5.


Gurney, William B.  1934.  Records of some new insect pests.  Agr. Gaz. N. S. Wales 45: 452-454.


Hansen, H. Jo 1881. Faunula insectorum Foeroeensis, fortegnelse over do paa Faeroerne bidtil samlede insekter.  Nat. Tidskr. 13(3): 276.


Hearle, Eric. 1929.  Insects of the season 1928 in British Columbia. Ontario Ent. Soc. Ann. Rpt. 59: 31-36.


Heymons, R. 1894. Die Fortpflanzung der Ohrwśrmer. S. B. Ges. natur f. Berlin, 65-66.


Knowlton, George F. 19400 European earwig invades Utah.  The Utah Farmer, Jan. 25, 1940.


__________1940. European earwig control. Utah Agr. Expt. sta., Mimeo. series 224: 1-2.


__________1940. The European earwig in Utah. Jour. Econ. Ent., 33: 204.


Kuwert, A.  1879.  Forficula auricularia, inimical to collectors of Lepidoptera by attacking moths on "sugar" and on the setting-boards. S.E.Z. 40: 508. (as quoted in Zoo Record, Insects, 1879. 16: 217).


Lind, J;  Rostrup, Sofie; and Ravno F. Kolpin.  1914.  Oversigt over Landbrugsplanternes sygdomme I 1913. Beret. fra Statens Forsogsvirks. i Plantekultur 79(188): 222.


Littler, Frank M.  1918.  Notes from Tasmania. Jour. Econ. Ent. 11: 472- 475.


Mackie, D. B.  1934.  Treating balled nursery stock to destroy earwigs. Calif. Dept. Agr. Bul. 23: 300-303.


MacLagan, o. Stewart.  1932.  An ecological study of the "I,ucerne Flea" (Smynthurus viridis Linn.) I. &11.  Ent.. Res. 23: 101-145.


Manis, H. C.  1947.  Earwig control. Univ. of Idaho Mimeo-Leaflet 104.