301a (300b). Pronotum large and almost conical,
collar not delimited by an edge (e.g., Figs.A-B)
or, if only moderately large then with
distinct median line on rear slope (e.g., Fig.C)
and inner eye margins much diverging in lower half (Fig.D);
thorax dorsally densely pitted and hairy; scutellum regularly densely hairy
but without outstanding longer bristles;
[fore or hind femora, or both, often distinctly thickened] ....... A
301b. Pronotum short or, if large (rarely), then with collar
anteriorly delimited by transverse edge, always without median line,
inner orbits not unusually diverging in lower half; thorax mostly
with different sculpture; scutellum often posteriorly with 2 frenal
bristles, sometimes with
additional pairs of conspicuous setae anteriorly
Pteromalidae Subfamilies also see
302a (301a). Scutellum with distinct, though
sometimes fine, sublateral grooves (Fig.A); inner orbits often parallel; antennal formula
mostly 11173; ovipositor protruding ....... A.... Pteromalidae
(part) <Habits>;
<Adults> (also Fig. 35)
302b. Scutellum without sublateral grooves;
otherwise also partly different
303a (302b). Propodeum medially short, with deep
petiolar notches in form of an inverted V (Fig.A); petiole long and almost conical to
pear-shaped, round in cross section, with some thin long hairs but without
ridges or coarse sculpture; body with unusually long but not thickly
hairy; femora slender; ovipositor protruding (Fig.B) .... A....... Pteromalidae
(Nefoeninae) <Habits>; <Adults>
303b. Propodeum without deep petiolar notches; petiole, if rarely
evident, of quite different form
and bare; body without long sparse hairs; femora often thickened;
ovipositor protruding or
304a (303b). Males only: Head with distinct occipital carina;
(back of head with hypostomal areas meeting below foramen); hind coxa
fairly large; forewing with marginal vein very long but the
stigmal short or unusually knobbed (see Fig.A). non-Pteromalidae
........ A ….. Torymidae <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles> (also Fig. 59)
304b. Males & Females: Occipital carina indistinct
305b. Scutellum without distinct frenal
line, without frenal bristles
306a (305b). Pronotum dorsally rounded or at least
without transverse edge, medially often with smooth strip or raised
longitudinal line; hind margin only moderately notched; thorax usually
pitted (Figs.A-B). ....... A ........ Pteromalidae
(Cleonyminae) <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>
Pronotum with collar dorsally separated by an edge (Fig.A), sloping
medially without any line,
hind margin rather deeply notched; thorax sculpture irregularly rugulose (= wrinkled) but rather
densely haired ....... Pteromalidae
(Ditropinotellinae) <Habits>; <Adults>
307a (301b). Notauli incomplete and wide apart; marginal vein widened in
basal part (Fig.A); dorsum of thorax reticulate,
almost bare, without bristles; female antennae 11173 (Figs.B-E)
........ A ......... Pteromalidae
(Pteromalinae) <Habits>; <Adults>
307b. Notauli mostly clearly complete, if
incomplete (some Diparinae and Coelocybinae, also Eunotopsia) thenmarginal vein not widened in
basal half, etc.
308a (307b). Second dorsal plate of petiolate
abdomen very large, covering most of dorsum, dorsally somewhat fused with the
1st dorsal plate; head with no temple (Fig.A), gena posteriorly produced into a
lamina; antenna thick club, all preclub segments of flagellum obviously
at right angles to longitudinal axis; scutellum anteriorly with 2 deep
pits.... A ........ Pteromalidae (Asaphinae) <Habits>; <Adults>
308b. Second dorsal plate never covering most of abdomen; abdomen
often sessile; temple and antenna
different; scutellum without double deep pit at base
309a (308b). First dorsal plate greatly enlarged, convex, non-collapsing
(Figs.A-B), covering more than
1/3rd (often much more, but only 1/4th in male Austrosystasis) of abdomen; antennal
sockets usually close to each other; often not metallic ... A.
309b. First dorsal plate never bell-shaped, not so convex and
large; if covering over 1/3rd of abdomen then either itself
collapsing from base or whole abdomen dorsally caving in; antennal
sockets usually rather wide apart
310a (309a). Antennae with 13 segments; hind coxa
inserted unusually high (Figs.A-B), its outer face often with
longitudinal sculpture; short-winged or wingless females common; either vertex
and/or thorax dorsally with paired dark bristles and gena posteriorly
rounded, or bristles absent (Fig.C) and then gena ridged in lower part, in
latter case antenna long, 11173 .........
A ……Pteromalidae
(Diparinae) <Habits>; <Adults>
310b. Antennae with 12 segments, with 1 ring segment and 6
funicular segments; gena posteriorly
mostly ridged
311a (310b). Thorax with coarse and deep hairy
pits, hairs not placed on papillae (Fig.A); abdomen almost sessile, somewhat
compressed laterally, high, eurytomid-like, 1st dorsal plate
reduced on sides; hind coxa long, inserted high .... A ...... Pteromalidae
(Austrosystasinae) <Habits>; <Adults>
311b. Thorax mostly with much finer or sparse sculpture or, if
densely hairy then hairs arising from elevated papillae (in Herbertia); hind coxae not inserted very
312a (311b). Petiole long, with longitudinal ribs;
pronotum fairly large and at right angles to longitudinal axis; clypeal margin arcuately
produced, mandibles long and curved, teeth 2:3..East Asiatic ......... Pteromalidae
(Elatoidinae) <Habits>; <Adults>
312b. Petiole at right angles to longitudinal axis, often concealed;
pronotum short; clypeal margin
not produced; mandibles short, different
313a (312b). First dorsal plate with longitudinal
grooves; head and thorax dorsally often with paired bristles (Fig.A); postmarginal vein shorter than
stigmal, or even absent ....... A ....... Pteromalidae
(Erotolepsiinae) <Habits>; <Adults>
313b. First dorsal plate without distinct longitudinal grooves; head
including large eyes, thorax dorsally
and wings regularly densely hairy, never with paired bristles (Fig.A); postmargina vein much longer than
stigmal ... Pteromalidae (Herbertiinae) <Habits>; <Adults>
314a (309b). Scapula produced backwards outside the
rectangular outer corner of axilla, axilla fully 2X as long as broad; mid
tarsus with 4 segments, unusually long (Fig.A), first segment as long as rest;
prepectus unusually small (Fig.B) ...... A ....... Pteromalidae
(Macromesinae) <Habits>; <Adults>
314b. Scapula not produced backwards outside of axilla, latter mostly
much shorter; all tarsi with
5 segments, shorter; prepectus usually larger, different
315a (314b). Scutellum with obvious paired bristles, at least 2 frenal
ones present in posterior corners
(Figs.A-B), often with additional pairs on
scutellum or even posteriorly on scutum; antennae inserted low on
face, sockets rather far apart (Fig.C); body mostly not metallic
...... A.
315b. Scutellum without any pairs of obvious bristles, thorax
generally either with rather regular hairiness or almost bare; in other
respects also partly different
316a (315a). Fore wing densely pubescent, even basally; marginal vein very
long (Fig.A), about 5X as long as the stigmal, latter
with long uncus; propodeum with long hairs which medially converge
towards median line; antennae with 6 almost equal funicular segments and
one (often indistinct) ring segment; hind
margin of 1st dorsal plate usually bent down; abdomen sometimes
petiolate; hind tibial spur very small. non-Pteromalidae ....... A ….. Tetracampidae <Habits>; <Adults> (also Fig. 68)
316b. Fore wing somewhat bare in basal 1/3rd (in regional
species); marginal vein relatively much shorter, mostly much less than 4X
as long as the stigmal, stigmal uncus short; propodeum extensively
bare; antennae different, often clubbed with basal or all flagellar
segments shortened
(e.g., Fig.A); hind margin of 1st dorsal plate flat;
abdomen sessile; hind tibial spurs
often stout ......... Pteromalidae (Coelocybinae) <Habits>;
317a (315b). Occipital carina distinctly developed
317b. Occipital carina absent
318a (317a). Axillae very much advanced (Fig.A); abdomen almost sessile; base of
short stigmal vein
thickened, postmarginal vein hardly as long as stigmal (Fig.B);
gena posteriorly finely ridged
....... A ....... Pteromalidae
(Parasaphodinae) <Habits>; <Adults>
318b. Axillae not or only slightly advanced;
abdomen usually different, also venation different
319a (318b). Abdomen almost sessile; pronotum long,
cubical, with edged collar (Fig.A), fully as long as
mesoscutum, dull with transverse rugose (= wrinkled) pits; gena broadly
rounded; mesopleuron
with reticulate depression similar to that of Pteromalinae ........ A .......... Pteromalidae
(Keiraninae) <Habits>; <Adults>
319b. Abdomen petiolate, petiole with longitudinal ribs (Fig.A); pronotum at right angles to longitudinal
axis, anteriorly rounded; gena
posteriorly usually ridged; mesopleuron with large peculiar pits (Fig.B) ....... Pteromalidae
(Asaphinae) <Habits>; <Adults>
320a (317b). Pronotum broad, almost rectangular (Figs.A-B), shiny, even if densely pitted, often
anteriorly ridged; clypeus very broad, lower margin somewhat produced but
antennae at
center of face; mandibles long, crescent-shaped, 2-toothed (Fig.C); mouth corners angular,
with malar depression, mouth margin in corners ridged; antennae 11173, club symmetric;
abdomen short, often on sculptured petiole; [thorax often shiny, axillae
close to each
other medially] ....... A. ...... non-Pteromalidae ........ Perilampidae (Chrysolampinae) <Habits>;
<Adults> & <Juveniles> (also Fig 52)
320b. Pronotum mostly different, or, if
almost rectangular then dull with dense sculpture (Ditropinotella, Fig.A); clypeus not broad, not produced;
mouth corners notched, not angular, not conspicuously ridged; at least
right mandible with 3 teeth; abdomen almost always sessile
321a (320b). Pronotum with collar edge or ridge,
hind margin deeply notched, sides rather long; thorax
densely pitted and hairy, gaps between densely wrinkled-reticulate;
propodeum with median
ridge and extensive hairy; [in female hypopygium ending near tip and often
sheaths protruding
and upturned (Fig.A)] ....... A ........ Pteromalidae
(Ditropinotellinae) <Habits>; <Adults>
321b. Pronotum rounded dorsally, different; if thorax sometimes
similar to previously described, then propodeum not extensively
322a (321b). Males only: Antennae with tiny indistinct ring segment,
7 funicular and 2 club segments; mandibles with 4 teeth; notauli complete
and deep, thorax rather shiny ........
Pteromalidae (Pireninae)
(rare forms) <Habits>;
322b. Females or if
Males then club 3-segmented or undivided, mandibles different, in
other respects
also partly different
323a (322b). Males only: Head and thorax usually dull metallic,
densely hairy and with regular pitted and wrinkled sculpture; antennae
mostly 11173, or club undivided, rarely funicle shortened
(some Anastatus); propodeum mostly with fine median ridge; axillae
distinctly separated
by short but squared base of scutellum; mid tibial spur usually enlarged,
longe than spur of hind tibia.
...... non-Pteromalidae,
(Eupelminae) <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles> (also Figs. 3
& 65)
323b. Males & Females: Thorax usually not metallic, sculpture either longitudinally
wrinkled or rather
fine, hairiness rather sparse, often very sparse; propodeum often without
median ridge; axillae
usually close to each other; mid tibial spur not enlarged ............ Pteromalidae (Ormocerinae) <Habits>; <Adults>
324a (299b). Antennae with 12-13 segments including
at least 2 ring segments (sometimes 3-4);notauli complete or incomplete
324b. Antennae with fewer than 12 segments and often with only 1 ring
segment; notauli always complete
325a (324a). Scutellum in dorsal view with distinct
sublateral grooves or lines which posteriorly mostly
curve outwards (Fig.A); if grooves are placed more towards sides,
then antennae with
4 short ring segments; [axillae often advanced; notauli complete or
incomplete] ........
A ....... Pteromalidae
(Colotrechinae) <Habits>;
325b. Scutellum mostly without sublateral lines or, if
such lines are visible on sloping sides then they are straight and/or
incomplete (e.g., Figs.A-C); antennae with 2-3 short ring
segments, or segments after 2nd ring segment short but gradually increasing
in size
326a (325b). Scutellum posteriorly with a pair of
conspicuous bristles, at lateral ends of frenal line (Fig.A), its sculpture never
raised-reticulate; body mostly without metallic tinge; [antennae with 13 segments, often clubbed
and short, with several or most segments after pedicel at
right angles to longitudinal axis, club often asymmetric ...... A .......... Pteromalidae
(Coelocybinae) <Habits>; <Adults>
326b. Scutellum without frenal bristles, or if with 2 thicker
hairs posteriorly then whole scutellum
has raised net-like sculpture and/or metallic hue.
327a (326b). Antennae inserted in lower 1/3rd of
face, very rarely with 13 segments, usually 11-12 segments,
with 1-2, mostly very small, ring segments (Fig.A);
mandibles with 4 teeth; clypeus
conspicuous, convex, its sides converging, lower margin produced (as in Fig.B), even
in forms with 13-segmented antennae .....… A ........ Pteromalidae (Pireninae) <Habits>; <Adults>
327b. Antennae mostly inserted near to or even above center of
face, but if below center than with 13
segments, with 2-3 ring segments (very rarely more segments ring-shaped);
clypeus always
different from previously described
328a (327b). Axillar grooves anteriorly somewhat meeting (Figs.A-B) so that scutellum does not reach
or only narrowly reaches mesoscutum; body without regular reticulation,
mostly regulose,
without metallic hue; abdomen sessile; propodeal spiracles mostly unusually
large; antennae with 12-13 segments ......... A .......... Pteromalidae
(Ormocerinae) (part)
328b. Axillar grooves wide apart so that scutellum broadly
borders on mesoscutum; most other aspects also different
329a (328b). Antennae with 12 segments, with 2
distinct ring segments and 5 funicular segments (Fig.A);
clypeus almost rectangular, flat, not produced, dorsally with deep
tentorial pits; notauli
very deep, complete; abdomen sessile .......... Pteromalidae (Ormocerinae) (part)
329b. Antennae different, with 13 segments, mostly with 2-3 ring
segments; clypeus mostly different
from previous; notauli often incomplete; thorax usually with raised
reticulation; abdomen
often petiolate
330a (329b). Clypeal margin with deep median
incision and asymmetric teeth (Figs.A-B); antennae inserted below ocular
line; notauli (in regional species) complete but posteriorly often very
shallow; propodeum convex in median 1/3rd, mostly with indicated ridge; marginal
vein slender (Fig.C ........ A ....... Pteromalidae
(Miscogasterinae) <Habits>; <Adults> & <Juveniles>
331a (324b). Gena posteriorly ridged (rarely only
with angular edge, in Scutellista); between pedicel and
club only 4 (mainly males) or 5 segments (most females) first of which may
be shortened, ring-shaped (as in Fig.A); thorax
hairiness mostly replaced by distinct and sparse bristles (Fig.B),
rarely uniformly hairy (Scutellista, Fig.C);
clypeal margin not produced .......... .A.. ......... Pteromalidae (Eunotinae) <Habits>; <Adults>
331b. Gena without ridge or edge; antennae different; either 2 or
more rounded, segments ring-shaped or with at least 6 segments between
pedicel and club (Figs.A-B); thorax always without
stout bristles; clypeal margin mostly produced
332a (331b). Pronotum large, almost rectangular,
with almost parallel sides, anteriorly ridged or rounded (Figs.A-B); antennae always with 6 segments
between pedicel and club, 1st segment sometimes ring-shaped;
club asymmetric owing to a collapsing area of tiny hairs; face shiny;
[abdomen hardly ever collapsed, mostly very convex, often with produced
ovipositor] ........ A ........ Pteromalidae
(Chromeurytominae) <Habits>; <Adults>
332b. Pronotum at least medio-dorsally very short and usually
rounded, rarely collar separated
by blunt edge or ridge (Fig.A), but then
it is less than 1/6th the length of mesoscutum; antenna with 1 small ring
segment and often 5 (female) of 6 funicular segments (male), or
funicular segments reduced in number and size (Pireninae)
in extremes only 2 short segments between
pedicel and club, latter mostly symmetric .......... Pteromalidae
(Pireninae) <Habits>; <Adults>
Illustrations were simplified, corrected and/or updated to suit
the present key.
However, please refer to cited
authors for greater detail.
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