298a (296b).    Head almost prognathous or globose (Figs.A-B), with large ridge or tooth

             between antennae, and with conspicuous occipital carina (= ridge on dorsal posterior head);

             body and antennae shiny, latter without ring segments (one exception: (Fig.C); wings, if

                             not rudimentary, then not obviously hairy but with fine long marginal fringe, sometimes with

                             a tuft at stigma, marginal vein fairly long but postmarginal and stigmal veins short; [body

             yellowish to blackish, rarely with metallic gloss]..……................... Pteromalidae  (Cerocephalinae)


                          Please CLICK on pictures to enlarge



                               A                                    B                                            C



298b.    Head either quite different, most orthognathous, (= with mouth directed ventrad), or

             antennae and wings different from previous..............................................……................................. 299