283a (256b).    Cercus at tip of abdomen; fore and midcoxae separated (midcoxa posterior to

             midpoint of mesopleuron); axillae (ax) do not meet medially (if so, at least as long as

             wide); marginal vein longer than stigmal or postmarginal (Fig.A).......................................……..... 284


                                       Please CLICK on picture to enlarge





283b.    Cercus anterior to tip of abdomen; fore & mid coxae nearly touching (mid coxa anterior to

             middle of mesopleuron) (Fig.A); flagellum with at most 9 segments (occasionally one very

             small ring-like segment); axillae transverse (= at right angle with longitudinal axis), often

             meeting in midline (Fig.A); marginal vein often shorter than stigmal or postmarginal;

             mesoscutum convex and short; prescutal sutures absent or indicated by superficial lines

             converging to meet at the pointed front end of scutellum (Figs.B-Z) ..............................

...........................................................................…................................. Encyrtidae  (adults-1)  (adults-2)


             Please CLICK on pictures to enlarge



                                       A                                    B-------------------



