165a (164a).    Hind coxae large and prominent; elytra soft and flexible; pronotum narrower than

                       either head or elytra (Figs.A-F) (parasitoids of Hymenoptera) .............(Coleoptera)  Meloidae




                          Please CLICK on pictures to enlarge



                          A                                       B                                   C                                  D                                 E                                 F



165b.    Hind coxae transverse (= at right angles to longitudinal axis), not prominent; head

             constricted behind eyes; ant-like in appearance (Figs.A-B) (general predators)...........

               ………………………………………………………………..................…....…(Coleoptera)  Anthicidae


                                       Please CLICK on pictures to enlarge



                                                    A                                                 B