120a (119a).    Costal cell absent; antennae with 16 or more segments (Figs.A-B).........

.......................................................................(Hymenoptera) (Ichneumonoidea)..…....................….. 121


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                                           A                                                              B


                                 C                                                              D                                                              E



120b.    Costal cell present; antennae with fewer than 16 segments; abdomen short with long

 petiole arising on propodeum (= posterior part of thorax that is actually 1st abdominal

 segment), far above bases of hind coxae (Figs.A-B) (parasitoids of cockroach egg

capsules) ..................................................................................(Hymenoptera)  (Evanioidea)  Evaniidae


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                          A                                                    B