45a (3, 10, 12). Fore wing costal cell absent; ventral abdominal segments soft & membranous, with median fold; two recurrent veins (Fig. A), or if only one then with abdomen 3X as long as rest of body; size variable, length (excluding ovipositor) ranges from a few millimeters to >40 mm; general appearance (Fig. B)..........................................................................................................……......(Ichneumonoidea) - Ichneumonidae....46

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45b. Fore wing costal cell absent, ventral abdominal segments soft and membranous, with median fold; one recurrent vein or none (Fig. A); abdomen not greatly elongated; propodeum not prolonged beyond hind coxae; mostly small insects, rarely >12 mm. long (Fig. B) .....................................................................................................................……………… ……................(Ichneumonoidea) - Braconidae..............47

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