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MEXICO   Morelos


Morelos-- Xochicalco


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<arc138> --  Pyramid of the Feathered Serpents, Xochicalco, Morelos (1996)





<arc139> --  Pyramid of the Feathered Serpents, Xochicalco, Morelos (1996)





<arc295> --  Xochicalco, Morelos Top of zenith tube (1981) (= Clive Ruggles, Univ of Leicester, MA)



<arc303> --

Xochicalco,,Morelos Top of  zenith tube (1981) (= CliveRuggles, Univ of Leicester, MA)


<arc297> --  Xochicalco, Morelos Scoring Hoop (1981) (= Clive Ruggles, Univ of Leicester, MA)



<arc298> --  Xochicalco, Morelos General view (1995) (= Clive Ruggles, Univ of Leicester, MA)



<arc299> --  Xochicalco, Morelos carvings (1995) (= Clive Ruggles, Univ of Leicester, MA)



<arc300> --  Xochicalco, Morelos Temple of Serpents (1981) (= Clive Ruggles, Univ of Leicester, MA)



<arc301> --  Xochicalco, Morelos Temple of Serpents (1981) (= Clive Ruggles, Univ of Leicester, MA)



<arc302> --  Xochicalco, Morelos A main plaza (1981) (= Clive Ruggles, Univ of Leicester, MA)









<arc296> --  Xochicalco, Morelos Ball Court (1981) (= Clive Ruggles, Univ of Leicester, MA)