<archidal.htm>    [Educational material:  Quote cited references]                                                                                                   Bibliography                <Archeology>               <Index>


                        MEXICO   Hidalgo




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<arc122> --  The Pyramid at Tula, Hidalgo (1995)





<arc135> --  Coatepantli ("Wall of Serpents"), Tula, Hidalgo (1996)


<arc136> --  The Atlantes, Tula, Hidalgo (1996)



<arc137> --  The Atlantes, Tula, Hidalgo (1996)


<arc309> --  Tula, Chac Mool (1981) (= Clive Ruggles, Univ of Leicester, MA)









<arc310> --  Tula, jaguar carvings (1981) (= Clive Ruggles, Univ of Leicester, MA)



<arc311> --  Tula, carvings on wall (1981) (= Clive Ruggles, Univ of Leicester, MA)



<arc312> --  Tula, statues (1981) (= Clive Ruggles, Univ of Leicester, MA)




<arc313> --  Tula, side view of statues (1981) (= Clive Ruggles, Univ of Leicester, MA)