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Bibliography (Mycology:  The Study of Fungi)


Eumycophyta (True Fungi):  Ascomycota (Ascomycetes, Ascomycotina)



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Ames, L. M.  1949.  New cellulose destroying fungi isolated from military material and equipment. Mycologia 41:


Ashby, S.F. and Nowell, V  1926. The fungi of stigmatomycosis. Ann. Bot. 40: 69-83.

Bessey, E. A.  1950.  Morphology and Taxonomy of Fungi. Blakiston Co., Philadelphia. (pp. 307-320; 353-355).

Baker, BJ, MA Lutz, SC Damson, PL Bond and JF Banfield. 2004. Metabolically active eukaryotic communities

       in extremely acidic mine drainage.  Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70: 6264-6271. .  


Beadle, G. W.  1947.  Genes and the chemistry of the organism. Science in Progress.5th Ser. 166-196.

Beadle, G. W.  1948.  The genes of men and molds. Scient. American 179: Sept.-pp. 30-38. -

Benjamin, R. K. and Shanor, L.  1950.  The development of male and female individuals in the dioecious species

       Laboulbenia formicarum Thaxter. Amer. Jour.Bot. 37: 471-1+76.

Bessey, E A.  1939.  Textbook of Mycology. Blakisten's Son & Co. Philadelphia, 1939. pp. 154-159.


Bessey, E. A.  1950.  Morphology and Taxonomy of Fungi. Blakiston, Philadelphia (pp. 262-273; 285-290).


Bessey, E. A.  1950.  Morphology and Taxonomy of Fungi. Philadelphia. pp. 215-223; 230-236; 245-248 (key to

       families and genera of the Lecanorales)


Bessey, E. A.  1950. Morphology and Taxonomy of Fungi. Blakiston Co., Philadelphia (pp. 331-334, re.


Bessey, E.A.  1939.  A Textbook of Myco1ogy. Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia. pp.166-169.


Bhattacharya, D, F Lutzoni, V Reeb, D Simon, J Nason, and F Fernandez. 2000. Widespread occurrence

        of Spliceosomal introns in the rDNA genes of AscomycetesMol. Biol. Evol. 17: 1971–1984. .   


Bold, H.C.  1973.  Morphology of Plants [3rd ed.].  Harper and Row, 668 pp. .


Bullerwell, CE, J Leigh, L Forget and BF Lang.  2003. A comparison of three fission yeast mitochondrial genomes,

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Cain, R. F.  1934.  Studies on coprophilous Sphaeria1es in Ontario. Univ. Toronto Studies, Bio1. Sere No. 38.

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        An online database of comparative sequence and structure information for ribosomal, intron, and

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Catcheside, D. G.  1951.  The Genetics of Microorganisms. Pitman and Sons Ltd. London, pp.I-85.

Child, M.  1932.  The genus Daldinia. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 429-496.

Shear, C. L. et a1.  1917.  Endothia parasitica and related species. U.S.D.A. Bulletin No. 380. 82 pp.

Christensen, C.  1949.  The Molds and Man. U. Minnesota Press (pp. 183-207).


Christensen, C.  1951.  The Molds and Man. Univ. of Minnesota Press. (pp.198-199).


Colson, B. 1938.  Cytology and development of Phyllactinia. Ann. Bot. N.S.,g: 381-402.

Cooper, S. and K Shedden.  2003.  Microarray analysis of gene expression during the cell cycle.  Cell

       and Chromosome 2:1.  


Darker, Grant Dooks.  1932.  The Hypodermataceae of Conifers. Contributions from the Arnold Arboretum I.

       Jamaica Plain, Mass.

Dickson, J. G.  1947.  Diseases of Field Crops. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. (pp. 28-32; 74-80; 152-158;

       206-209; 259-262).

Dickson, J. G.  1956.  Diseases of Field Crops (2nd ed.) New York. Pp.37-40; 129-131; 306; 369-371.

Dickson, J. G.  1956.  Diseases of Field Crops. 2nd Ed. New York. pp. 356-357; 372.373.

Diederich, D Ertz, C Gueidan, K Hansen, RC Harris, K Hosaka, Y-W Lim, B Matheny, H Nishida, D Pfister,

        J Rogers, A Rossman, I Schmitt, H Sipman, J Stone, J Sugiyama, R Yahr, and R Vilgalys.  2004.  Assembling

       the fungal tree of life: Progress, classification, and evolution of subcellular traitsAmer. J. Bot. 91:



Dodge, B. o.  1912.  Methods of culture and the morphology of the archicarp in certain species of Ascobolus. Bul.

        Torrey Pot. Club 39: 139-197.

Dodge, B. O.  1927.  Nuclear phenomena associated with heterothallism and homothallism in the ascomycete

       Neurospora. Jour. Agr. Res. 22: 287-305.

Dodge, B. O.  1930.  Breeding albinistic strains of the Monilia bread mold. Myco1ogia g: 9-38.

Dodge, B. O.  1931.  Inheritance of the albinistic non-conidial characters in interspecific hybrids in Neurospora.

       Myco1ogia 23: 1-50.

Dodge, B. O.  1932.  The non-sexual and sexual functions of microconidia in Neurospora. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club

       22: 347-360.

Dodge, S. W.  1935.  Medical Mycology.  C. V. Mosby Co., St. Louis.  Pp. 126-324.


Drayton, F. L,  1934.  The sexual mechanism of Sclerotinia gladioli. Mycologia 26: 46.72.

Ferreiro, JA, NG Powell, N Karabetsou, NA Kent, J Mellor and R Waters .2004.  Cbf1p modulates chromatin

        structure, transcription and repair at the Saccharomyces cerevisiae MET16 locus.  Nuc. Acids Res. 32:

       1617-1626. .   


Filley, T.R., R. A. Blanchette, E. Simpson and M.L. Fogel.  2001.  Nitrogen cycling by wood decomposing

       soft-rot fungi in the “King Midas tomb,” Gordion, Turkey.  Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. .USA. 98: 13346–13350.


Fitzpatrick, H. M.  1930.  The Lower Fungi. Phycomycetes. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1930. pp. 304-307.

Fitzpatrick, R. E.  1934.  The life history and parasitism of Taphrina deformans. Sci. Agriculture 14: 305-326.

Frey, C. N.  1924.  The cytology and physiology of Venturia inaequalis (Cooke) Winter.Trans. Wis. Acad. Sc1. :


Frobisher, M.  1949.  Fundamentals of Bacteriology, 4th Ed.  Pp. 376-387.


Gaillardin, C, G Duchateau-Nguyen, F Tekaia, B Llorente, S Casaregola, C Toffano-Nioche, M Aigle,

        F Artiguenave, G Blandin, M Bolotin-Fukuhara, E Bon, P Brottier, J deMontigny, B Dujon, P Durrens,

        A Lépingle, A Malpertuy, C Neuvéglise, O Ozier-Kalogéropoulos, S Potier, W Saurin, M Termier,

        M Wésolowski-Louvel, P Wincker, J-L Souciet and J Weissenbach.  2000.   Genomic exploration of

       the hemiascomycetous yeasts: 21. Comparative functional classification of genes.  FEBS Let. 487: 134-149.  


Gasch AP, AM Moses, DY Chiang, HB Fraser, M Berardini and MB Eisen.  2004.  Conservation and evolution of

        cis-regulatory systems in ascomycete fungi. PLoS Biol 2: e398. .  


Gaumann, E. and Dodge, C. W.  1928.  Comparative Morphology of Fungi. McGraw Hill, 1928. pp.364-395.


Gaumann, E. and Dodge, C. W.  1928.  Comparative Morphology of Fungi.  McGraw-Hill, NewYork. pp. 330-350.

Gaumann, E., and Dodge, C .W.  1928.  Comparative M1orphology of Fungi. McGraw-Hi11. New York. 1928.

        pp .354-363.

Gilman, J. C.  1945.  A Manual of Soil Fungi. Iowa State College Press. Ames, Iowa. (pp. 147-151; 184-260).

Gilman, J. C. and L. H. Tiffany.  1952. Iowa Ascomyetes I. The Xy1ariaceae. Iowa State College Jour. Sci. 26:


Greathouse, G. A. and L.M. Ames. 1945.  Fabric deterioration by thirteen described and three new species of

       Chaetomium. Myco1ogia 31: 138-155.

Guilliermond, A.  1936.  L'Eremothecium ashbyii, nouveau champignon parasite des capsules du cottonier. 

       Revue de Mycologie 1:  115-157.


Gwynne-Vaughan, H.C.I.  1931.  Contributions to the study of Pyronema confluens. Ann. Bot. 45: 355-371.

Gwynne-Vaughan, H.C.I. and Barnes, B.  1937.  The Structure and Development of the Fungi. Cambridge

       University Press. 1937. pp. 201-226.

Gwynne-Vaughan, H.C.I. and Barnes, B.  1937.  The Structure and Development of the Fungi. Cambridge

       University Press.  pp. 234-238.

Gwynne-Vaughan, H.C.I. and Williamson, H. S.  1930.  Contributions to the study of Humaria granulata. Ann.

       Bot. 44: 127-145.


Harper, R. A.  1900.  Sexual reproduction in Pyronema confluens and the morphology of the ascocarp.  Ann.

        Bot. 45:  355-371.

Haugen, P, HJ Runge and D Bhattacharya.  2004.  Long-term evolution of the S788 fungal nuclear small

       subunit rRNA group I introns.  RNA 10: 1084–1096. .  


Haugen, P, V Reeb, F Lutzoni and D Bhattacharya.  2004a.  The evolution of homing endonuclease genes

        and Group I introns in nuclear rDNAMol. Biol. Evol. 21: 129–140. .


Heald, F. D.  1933.  Manual of Plant Diseases, 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill. pp. 522-540; 551.559.

Heald, F. D.  1933.  Manual of Plant Diseases, Second Ed. McGraw-Hi1l Book Co., New York.. (pp. 592-603).

Heald, F. D.  1937.  Introduction to Plant Pathology. New York. pp.146-151.

Hinnebusch, AG and K Natarajan.  2002.  Gcn4p, a master regulator of gene expression, is controlled at

       multiple levels by diverse signals of starvation and stress.  Eukar. Cell 1: 22-32.  


Hotson, J. W.  1936.  A new species of Arachniotus. Mycologia 28: 497-502

Iridham, T. G. and Raper, K. B.  1950.  Ashbya gossypii-- its significance in nature and in the laboratory. 

       Mycologia 42:  603-623.


Irving, G. W. and H. T. Herrick, Editors. Antibiotics. Chemical Publishing Co. Brooklyn.

Koch, L. W.  1935.  Investigations on Black Knot of plums and cherries. I. Scientific Agriculture 13: 576-590,

        1933; II. Ibid 15: 80-95,1935; III. Ibid 15:411-423, 193~ IV. Ibid 12: 729-744.

Kuras, L, R Barbey and D Thomas.  1997.  Assembly of a bZIP-bHLH transcription activation complex:

       formation of the yeast Cbf1-Met4-Met28 complex is regulated through Met28 stimulation of Cbf1

       DNA binding. .  


Large, E. C.  1940.   The Advance of the Fungi. Henry Holt and Co., New-York. pp.188.195.

Large, E. C.  1940.  The Advance of the Fungi. Henry Holt & Co., New York. (pp.44-69).

Lépingle, B Llorente, C Neuvéglise, O Ozier-Kalogeropoulos, S Potier, W Saurin, C Toffano-Nioche,

        M Wésolowski-Louvel, P Wincker, J Weissenbach, J-L Souciet and B Dujon.  2000.  Genomic exploration

        of the hemiascomycetous yeasts: 19. Ascomycetes-specific genes.  FEBS Let. 487: 113-121. .  


Liu, Y-JJ and BD Hall .2004.  Body plan evolution of Ascomycetes, as inferred from an RNA polymerase

        II phylogeny.   Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. .USA. 101: 4507-4512. 


Llano, George A.  1948.  Economic uses of lichens. Economic Botany~: 15.45.


Llorente, B, A Malpertuy, C Neuvéglise, J deMontigny, M Aigle, F Artiguenave, G Blandin, M Bolotin-Fukuhara,

        E Bon, P Brottier, S Casaregola, P Durrens, C Gaillardin, A Lépingle, O Ozier-Kalogéropoulos, S Potier,

        W Saurin, F Tekaia, C Toffano-Nioche, M Wésolowski-Louvel, P Wincker, J Weissenbach, J-L Souciet

        and B Dujon.  2000.  Genomic exploration of the hemiascomycetous yeasts: 18. Comparative analysis

        of chromosome maps and synteny with Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  FEBS Let. 487: 101-112. .  


Llorente, B, P Durrens, A Malpertuy, M Aigle, F Artiguenave, G Blandin, M Bolotin-Fukuhara, E Bon, P Brottier,

        S Casaregola, B Dujon, J deMontigny, A Lépingle, C Neuvéglise, O Ozier-Kalogeropoulos, S Potier, W Saurin,

        F Tekaia, C Toffano-Nioche, M Wésolowski-Louvel, P Wincker, J Weissenbach, J-L Souciet and C Gaillardin.

        2000.  Genomic exploration of the hemiascomycetous yeasts: 20. Evolution of gene redundancy compared

        to Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  FEBS Let. 487: 122-133. .


Lohman, M. L.  1933.  Septonema toruloideum: a stage of Mytilidion scolecosporum.  Mycologia 25:  34-42.

Lohman, M. L.  1937.  Studies in the genus Glonium as represented in the southeast. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 64:

        57-72. 1937.

Lucas, G. B.  1949.  Studies on the morphology and cytology of Thielavia basicola. Zopf. Mycologia 41: 553-560.

Luttrell, E. S.  1951.  Taxonomy of the pyrenomycetes. Univ.of Missouri Studies, Vol. 24, No.8.

Luttrell, E. S.  1951.  Taxonomy of the Pyrenomycetes. University of Missouri.Studies No.3.

Luttrell, E. S.  1951.  The morphology of Dothidea col1ecta. Amer. Jour. Bot. 38: 460-471.

Lutzoni, F, F Kauff, CJ Cox, D Mclaughlin, G Celio, B Dentinger, M Padamsee, D Hibbett, TY James, E Baloch,

       M Grube, V Reeb, V Hofstetter, C Schoch, AE Arnold, J Miadlikowska, J Spatafora, D Johnson, S Hambleton,

       M Crockett, R Shoemaker, G-H Sung, R Lücking, T Lumbsch, K O'donnell, M Binder, P


Machado, AK, BA Morgan and GF Merrill.  1997.  Thioredoxin reductase-dependent inhibition of MCB Cell

        Cycle Box activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  J. Biol. Chem. 272: 17045-17054. 


Malpertuy, A, F Tekaia, S Casarégola, M Aigle, F Artiguenave, G Blandin, M Bolotin-Fukuhara, E Bon, P Brottier,

       J deMontigny, P Durrens, C Gaillardin, A


Martin, E. M. 1940.  The morphology and cytology of Taphrina deformans. Amer. Jour. Bot. 27: 743-751.

Massee, G.  1909.   The structure and affinities of British Tuberaceae. Ann. Bot. 23: 243-263.

Miller, J. H.  1949.  A revision of the classification of the Ascomycetes with special emphasis on the

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Miller, J. H.  1949.  A revision of the classification of the ascomycetes with special emphasis on the

       Pyrenomycetes. Myco1ogia 41: 99-127.

Luttrell, E. S. 1951.  Taxonomy of the Pyrenomycetes. Univ. Missouri Studies. 24. No.3. 120 pp.

Miller, J. H.  1949.  A revision of the classification of the Ascomycetes with special emphasis on the

       Pyrenomycetes. Mycologia 1!: 99-127.

Mix, A. J.  1949.  A monograph of the genus Taphrina. Univ. of Kansas Sci. Bull. 33: 1-167.

Mix, A. J.  1954.  Differentiation of species of Taphrina in culture. Utilization of carbon compounds. Myco1ogia

       46:  721-727.

Natarajan, K, MR Meyer, BM Jackson, D Slade, C Roberts, AG Hinnebusch and MJ Marton.  2001. Transcriptional

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Nearing, G. G.  1947.  The Lichen Book. Ridgewood, New Jersey.

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Orton, C. R.  1944.  Graminicolous species of Phyllachora in North America. Myco1ogia 18~53.

Perez-Llano, G. A.  1944.  Lichens--their biological and economic significance. Botanical Review 10: 1-65.

Perlman, D.  1949.  Mycological production of citric acid - the submerged culture method. Economic Botany 3:


Pilpel, Y, P Sudarsanam and GM Church.  2001.  Identifying regulatory networks by combinatorial analysis

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Prescott, S. C. & C. G. Dunn.  1949.  Industrial Microbiology, 2nd. Ed., McGreaw-Hill, New York.  Pp. 11-308


Prescott, S. C. and C. G. Dunn. 1949.  Industrial Microbiology. 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.

        (pp. 472-473; 572-605; 664-675; 708-808).

Raper, K. B.  1952.  A decade of antibiotics in America. Mycologia 44: 1-59.

Raper, K. B., D. I. Fennell, and H.D. Tresner.  1953.  The ascospric stage of Aspergillus citrisporus and related

        forms. Mycologia 45: 671-692

Redecker, D, R Kodner and LE Graham.  2000.  Glomalean fungi from the Ordovician.  Science 289: 1920-1921. . 


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        the Euascomycetes .Pezizomycotina, Fungi. with special emphasis on the lichen-forming Acarosporaceae

        and evolution of polyspory.  Mol. Phylog. and Evol. 32: 1036-1060. .   


Remy, W, TN Taylor, H Hass and H Kerp.  1994.  Four hundred-million-year-old vesicular arbuscular

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Rettew, G. R. et al.  1941.  Manual of Mushroom Culture. Chester County Mushroom Laboratory, West Chester,

        Pennsylvania. pp.136-138.


Rooney, AP and TJ Ward .2005.  Evolution of a large ribosomal RNA multigene family in filamentous fungi:

       Birth and death of a concerted evolution paradigm.  Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. .USA. 102: 5084-5089.  


Rosenbaum, E. H.  1944.  The development and systematic positJion of Arachniotus trisporus Ann. Missouri Bot.

        Garden l!: 171-202

Routien, J .B.  1949.  Crebrothecium ashbyi. Mycologia 41:  183-185.

Schadt, CW, AP Martin, DA Lipson and SK Schmidt .2003.  Seasonal dynamics of previously unknown

        fungal lineages in tundra soils.  Science 301: 1359-1361. . 


Seaver, F.J.  1928.  The North American Cup Fungi (Operculates). New York. Supplemented edition, New York.


Shear, C. L. and B.O. Dodge. 1927.  Life histories and heterotha11ism of the red bread- mold fungi of the Monilia

       sitophi1a group. Jour, Agr. Res. 34: 1019-1042.

Skinner, A.E. et a1. 1941.  Henrici's Mo1ds, Yeasts, and Actinomycetes. 2nd Ed. New York, pp.264-348

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       York.. (pp. 98-107; 152-178; 206-210).

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Smith, A. L.  1921.  Lichens. Cambridge University Press.

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       bibliographies pp. 289-330).

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Waksman, S. A.  1947.  Microbial Antagonisms and Antibiotic Substances. 2nd Ed. The Commonwealth Fund,

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