Associate Professor, UC Riverside

Research Interests: Macroeconomics, Housing Economics, Labor Economics


Unemployment History and Frictional Wage Dispersion

Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 78, April 2016, 5-22


Loss of Skill during Unemployment and TFP Differences across Countries

European Economic Review, Vol. 100, 2017, pp 215-235


The Cyclical Behavior of Unemployment and Vacancies with Loss of Skills during Unemployment

Macroeconomic Dynamics, Vol. 21(6), 2017, 1277-1304


Differences in Skill Loss During Unemployment Across Industries and Occupations

Economics Letters, Vol. 161, 2017, 31-33


The Cyclical Behavior of the Beveridge Curve in the Housing Market, with Miroslav Gabrovski

Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 181, 2019, 361-381


Search and Credit Frictions in the Housing Market, with Miroslav Gabrovski

European Economic Review, Vol. 134, 2021, 103699


Skill Loss during Unemployment and the Scarring Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic, with Paul Jackson

Labour Economics, Vol. 88, 2024, 102516


On the Slope of the Beveridge Curve in the Housing Market, with Miroslav Gabrovski

Economics Bulletin, 44(3), 2024, 948-960.


Home Construction Financing, Search Frictions and the Housing Market, with Miroslav Gabrovski

Review of Economic Dynamics, Vol. 55, 2025, 101253


Working Papers

"Tenant Rights, Evictions and Rent Affordability", with N. Edward Coulson, Thao Le and Lily Shen

R&R 2nd round, Journal of Urban Economics


"Efficiency in the Housing Market with Search Frictions", with Miroslav Gabrovski

R&R at Macroeconomic Dynamics


"Can Stay-at-Home Orders Create a Pandemic Housing Boom?", with Alina Arefeva, Shengwei Guo and Lu Han


"Endogenous Realtor Intermediation and Housing Market Liquidity", with Miroslav Gabrovski and Ioannis Kospentaris, Submitted


"Endogenous TFP, Labor Market Policies and Loss of Skills"


"Housing Market Dynamics with Search Frictions and Endogenous Separations", with Miroslav Gabrovski and Nitish Kumar


Download CV

Victor Ortego-Marti

Department of Economics
University of California Riverside
3132 Sproul Hall
Riverside CA 92521

Email: v i c t o r o m at u c r . e d u