H.-C. Chiu, G. L. Klimchitskaya, V. N. Marachevsky, V. M. Mostepanenko, and U. Mohideen, “Demonstration of the asymmetric lateral Casimir force between corrugated surfaces in the nonadditive regime”, Physical Review B Rapid Communication 80, 121402 (2009)


Chen F., Klimchitskaya, G.L., Mostepanenko, V.M.,  and Mohideen, U., “ Control of the Casimir force by the modification of dielectric properties with light”, Physical Review B vol. 76, 035338 (2007)


R. Castillo-Garza, C.-C. Chang, D Jimenez, G. L. Klimchitskaya, V.M. Mostepanenko, and U. Mohideen, “Experimental approaches to the difference in the Casimir force due to modifications in the optical properties of the boundary surface”, Physical Review A vol. 75, 062114 (2007)


Chen F., Klimchitskaya, G.L., Mostepanenko, V.M.,  and Mohideen, U., “Domonstration of the Difference in the Casimir force for samples with different charge-carrier densities” , Physical Review Letter vol. 97, 170402 (2006)


Chen F., Mohideen, U., Klimchitskaya, G.L., Mostepanenko, V.M., “Experimental test for the conductivity properties from the Casimir force between metal and semiconductor”, Physical Review A vol. 74, 022103 (2006)


Chen F., Mohideen, U., Klimchitskaya, G.L., Mostepanenko, V.M., “ Experimental and theoretical investigation of the lateral Casimir force between corrugated surfaces”, Physical Review A vol. 66, 032113 (2002)


Chen F., Mohideen, U., Klimchitskaya, G.L., Mostepanenko, V.M., "Demonstration of the lateral Casimir force," Physical Review Letters, vol.88, (no.10), APS, (2002). p.101801/1-4.


Bordag M., Mohideen U., Mostepanenko V.M., "New Developments in the Casimir Effect," Physics Reports, vol.353, (no.1-3), Elsevier, (2001). p.1-205.


Chen, F.; Mohideen, U. "Fiber optic interferometry for precision measurement of the voltage and frequency dependence of the displacement of piezoelectric tubes". Review of Scientific Instruments, vol.72, (no.7), AIP, (2001). p.3100-2


Smith, M.A.; Goodrich, J.; Rahman, H.U.; Mohideen, U. "Measurement of grain charge in dusty plasma Coulomb crystals. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol.29, (no.2, pt.1), IEEE, (2001). p.216-20.


Rahman, H.U.; Mohideen, U.; Smith, M.A.; Rosenberg, M.; Mendis, D.A. Grain dynamics and inter-grain coupling in dusty plasma Coulomb crystals. Physica Scripta Volume T, vol.T89, (2001). p.186-90.


Harris, B.W.; Chen, F.; Mohideen, U. "Precision measurement of the Casimir force using gold surfaces", Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics), vol.62, (2000). p.052109/1-5.


Klimchitskaya, G.L.; Mohideen, U.; Mostepanenko, V.M. "Casimir and van der Waals forces between two plates or a sphere (lens) above a plate made of real metals. Physical Review A, (2000). p.062107/1-12.


Yang, T.J.; Gopalan, V.; Swart, P.; Mohideen, U. "Experimental study of internal fields and movement of single ferroelectric domain walls. Journal of the Physics and Chemistry of Solids, vol.61, (2000). p.275-82.


Tumer,T.; Bhattacharya,D.; Mohideen,U.; Rieben, R.; Souchkov, V.; Tom, H.; Zweerink, J.; "Solar Two Gamma-Ray Observatory," Astroparticle Physics, Vol. 11, pp. 271-3 (1999).


Yang, T.J.; Gopalan,V.; Swart, P.; and Mohideen, U.; "Direct observation of pinning and bowing of a single ferroelectric domain wall," Physical Review Letters, Vol. 82, pp. 4106-8 (1999).


Yang, T.J.; Gopalan, V.; Swart, P.; Mohideen, U. "Observation and Mobility Study of a Single 180 Domain Wall Using a Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscope," Ferroelectrics, vol.222, p.351-358 (1999).


Roy, A.; and Mohideen, U.; "Demonstration of the non-trivial boundary dependence of the Casimir force," Physical Review Letters, Vol. 82, pp. 4380-83 (1999).


G. L. Klimchitskaya, A. Roy, U. Mohideen, and V.M. Mostepanenko, "Complete roughness and finite conductivity corrections for the recent Casimir force measurement," Physical Review A, Vol. 60, pp. 3487-95 (1999).


Mohideen U. and Roy A., Reply to "Comment on Precision measurement of the Casimir force from 0.1 to 0.9mm," Physical Review Letters, Vol. 83, pp. 3341 (1999).


Roy, A., C.Y. Lin and U. Mohideen, "Improved precision measurement of the Casimir force," Physical Review D, Rapid Communication, Vol. 60, pp.111101-05 (1999).


U. Mohideen and Anushree Roy, " A Precision Measurement of the Casimir force between 0.1 to 0.9 mm," Physical Review Letters, vol.81, (no.21), APS, (1998). p.4549-52.


U. Mohideen, H.U. Rahman, M.A. Smith, M. Rosenberg and D.A. Mendis, "Inter-grain coupling in dusty plasmas," Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters


T.J. Yang and U. Mohideen, "Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy of ferroelectric domain walls," App. Phys. Lett., 71, p. 1960 (1997).


R.E. Slusher, A.F.J. Levi, U. Mohideen, S.L. McCall, S.J. Pearton and R.A. Logan, "Threshold Characteristics of Semiconductor Microdisk Lasers", App. Phys. Lett. 63, 1310-1312 (1993).


U. Mohideen, M.H. Sher, H.W.K. Tom, G.D. Aumiller, O.R. Wood II, R.R. Freeman, J. Bokor and P.H. Bucksbaum, "High Intensity Above-Threshold Ionization of He and He Ion", OSA Proceedings on Short-Wavelength V: Physics with Intense Laser Pulses, P.B. Corkum, M.D. Perry, eds., (Opt.Soc.Am., Washington, DC 1993), 72-76.


U. Mohideen, M.H. Sher, H.W.K. Tom, G.D. Aumiller, O.R. Wood II, R.R. Freeman, and J. Bokor, "High Intensity Above-Threshold Ionization of He", Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 509-512 (1993).


W.S. Hobson, U. Mohideen, S.J. Pearton, R.E. Slusher and F. Ren, "SiNx/Sulfide Passivated GaAs/AlGaAs Microdisk Lasers", Elec. Lett. 29, 2199-2200 (1994).


