Graduate student Positions

We currently have one to two openings for graduate students interested in research on the Casimir effect.

Text Box: Postdoctoral Positions

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral scholar position in the field of experimental Atomic Molecular & Optical Physics. The successful candidate will be involved with precision measurements of the Casimir force. Candidates will be expected to hold a Ph.D. degree in Physics with research experience in experimental laser optics, vacuum components and knowledge of scanning microscopy techniques such as Atomic Force Microscopy. The experimental location is at the University of  California, Riverside (UCR).
UCR has a very active long time research effort in the area of the Casimir effect.  This is a collaborative research project between  UCR, MIT, the University of Cologne, Germany and the University of Napoli, Italy. For further information, please contact Prof. Mohideen.

Open Positions