#################### ### BibTexMine.R ### #################### # Author: Thomas Girke # Last update: Nov 8, 2006 # Utility: Imports BibTeX DB into R and stores it in list object. From there the individual references # can be retrieved and exported to a subsetted BibTeX DB. A search function allows subsetting based on string # matching and viewing of the results in HubMed. # # How to run the script: # source("http://faculty.ucr.edu/~tgirke/Documents/R_BioCond/My_R_Scripts/BibTex.txt") ## (1) Load BibTeX DB bibtexImp <- function(file) { bibtexv <- readLines(file) bibtexv <- bibtexv[-grep("^(\\s|\\t){0,}%", bibtexv)] # removes all comment lines bibtexv <- bibtexv[-grep("^(\\s|\\t){0,}$", bibtexv)] # removes all empty fields bibtexv <- gsub("^(\\s|\t){1,}","", bibtexv) # removes all tabs and spaces at beginning of fields/lines (indenting) start <- regexpr("^@", bibtexv, perl=T) start <- which(start==1) end <- regexpr("^}", bibtexv, perl=T) end <- which(end==1) if(length(start)!=length(end)) { cat("Error in BibTex source: number of '^@' differes from number of '^}' \n") } index <- data.frame(start=start, end=end) myfactor <- rep(1:length(index[,1]), index[,2]-index[,1]+1) bibtexList <- split(bibtexv, myfactor) # generates BibTex list names(bibtexList) <- unlist(lapply(names(bibtexList), function(x) gsub(".*\\{|,$", "", bibtexList[[x]][1]))) bibtexList } ## (2) BibTeX Search Function: shows search results in HubMed bibtexSearch <- function(bibTexDB, string, browser=T) { bibTexDBsearch <- lapply(names(bibTexDB), function(x) paste(bibTexDB[[x]], collapse=" ")) bibTexDBsearch <- lapply(bibTexDBsearch, function(x) gsub("\\{|\\}", "", x)) # removes braces around capital letters (e.g. title line) hits <- lapply(bibTexDBsearch, function(x) grep(string, x, ignore.case=T, perl=T)) hits <- paste(hits) hits[hits=="integer(0)"] <- 0 hits <- which(hits==1) hits <<- hits cat("The list indices for the search hits are stored in \"hits\" vector containing the following values: \n", hits, "\n") bibTexDBsub <- bibTexDB[hits] if(browser==T) { PubMedIDs <- paste(unlist(lapply(names(bibTexDBsub), function(x) gsub(".*\"(.*)\".*", "\\1", bibTexDBsub[[x]][grep("pmid", bibTexDBsub[[x]])]))), collapse=",") myURL <- paste("http://www.hubmed.org/display.cgi?uids=", PubMedIDs, sep="") browseURL(myURL) } noPubMed <- lapply(names(bibTexDBsub), function(x) gsub(".*\"(.*)\".*", "\\1", bibTexDBsub[[x]][grep("pmid", bibTexDBsub[[x]])])) noPubMed <- lapply(noPubMed, function(x) x[1]) # necessary to turn empty list components into vector with "NA" noPubMed <- is.na(as.numeric(unlist(noPubMed))) if(sum(noPubMed)>=1) { noPubMedList <- lapply(names(bibTexDBsub[noPubMed]), function(x) bibTexDBsub[[x]][c(1,12)]) cat("Warning: these references have no PubMed ID:\n", unlist(noPubMedList), "\n") } bibTexDBsub } ## (3) Return refs in text format returnText <- function(bibTexSubDB=bibTexSubDB, printurl=T) { bibTexSubDB <- lapply(bibTexSubDB, function(x) gsub("(= {0,})\\{{1,}|\\}{1,} {0,}(,)$", "\\1\"\\2", x)) # replaces all start and end braces by quotation marks authors <- lapply(names(bibTexSubDB), function(x) gsub(".* \\\"(.*)\".*", "\\1", bibTexSubDB[[x]][grep("^author", bibTexSubDB[[x]])])) names(authors) <- 1:length(authors) authors <- lapply(names(authors), function(x) gsub(" {1,}and {1,}", ", ", authors[x])) authors <- lapply(authors, function(x) x[1]) # necessary to turn empty list components into vector with "NA" year <- lapply(names(bibTexSubDB), function(x) gsub(".*\"(.*)\".*", "\\1", bibTexSubDB[[x]][grep("^year", bibTexSubDB[[x]])])) year <- lapply(year, function(x) x[1]) # necessary to turn empty list components into vector with "NA" title <- lapply(names(bibTexSubDB), function(x) gsub(".*\"(.*)\".*", "\\1", bibTexSubDB[[x]][grep("^title", bibTexSubDB[[x]])])) names(title) <- 1:length(title) title <- lapply(names(title), function(x) gsub("\\{|\\}|,$", "", title[x])) title <- lapply(title, function(x) x[1]) # necessary to turn empty list components into vector with "NA" journal <- lapply(names(bibTexSubDB), function(x) gsub(".*\"(.*)\".*", "\\1", bibTexSubDB[[x]][grep("^journal", bibTexSubDB[[x]])])) journal <- lapply(journal, function(x) x[1]) # necessary to turn empty list components into vector with "NA" volume <- lapply(names(bibTexSubDB), function(x) gsub(".*\"(.*)\".*", "\\1", bibTexSubDB[[x]][grep("^volume", bibTexSubDB[[x]])])) volume <- lapply(volume, function(x) x[1]) # necessary to turn empty list components into vector with "NA" pages <- lapply(names(bibTexSubDB), function(x) gsub(".*\"(.*)\".*", "\\1", bibTexSubDB[[x]][grep("^pages", bibTexSubDB[[x]])])) pages <- lapply(pages, function(x) x[1]) # necessary to turn empty list components into vector with "NA" myurl <- lapply(names(bibTexSubDB), function(x) gsub(".*\"(.*)\".*", "\\1", bibTexSubDB[[x]][grep("^url", bibTexSubDB[[x]])])) myurl <- lapply(myurl, function(x) x[1]) # necessary to turn empty list components into vector with "NA" if(printurl==T) { refv <- paste("\n", unlist(authors), " (", unlist(year), ") ", unlist(title), ". ", unlist(journal), ", ", unlist(volume), ": ", unlist(pages), ".\n", unlist(myurl), "\n", sep="") } else { refv <- paste("\n", unlist(authors), " (", unlist(year), ") ", unlist(title), ". ", unlist(journal), ", ", unlist(volume), ": ", unlist(pages), ".\n", sep="") } refv } ## (4) Run everything within one function bibTexAll <- function(file="~/Manuscripts/BibTeX/MyBibTex.bib", string="array", bibtex2PDF=F, printurl=T, printtext=T, browser=T) { bibTexDB <- bibtexImp(file=file) bibTexSubDB <- bibtexSearch(bibTexDB=bibTexDB, string=string, browser=browser) if(length(bibTexSubDB)==0) { return("No hits found!") } if(printtext==T) { cat(sort(returnText(bibTexSubDB=bibTexSubDB, printurl=printurl)), sep="\n") } if(bibtex2PDF==T) { bibdir <- unlist(strsplit(file, "/")) filename <- gsub("\\.bib", "", bibdir[length(bibdir)]) bibdir <- paste(unlist(strsplit(bibdir, "/"))[-length(unlist(strsplit(bibdir, "/")))], collapse="/") mydir <- getwd() setwd(bibdir) selected <<- paste(sort(names(bibTexSubDB)), collapse=", ") myRnw <- paste(filename, ".Rnw", sep="") Sweave(myRnw) mytex <- paste(filename, ".tex", sep="") system(paste("pdflatex", mytex, "; bibtex", filename, "; pdflatex", mytex, "; pdflatex", mytex)) setwd(mydir) cat("Open BibTeX PDF with this command:\n\t system(\"xpdf ~/Manuscripts/BibTeX/MyBibTex.pdf &\")\n") } } ## (5) Instructions cat("USAGE #(1.1) Import of BibTeX DB bibTexDB <- bibtexImp(file=\"~/Manuscripts/BibTeX/MyBibTex.bib\")\n #(2.1) Search BibTeX DB bibTexSubDB <- bibtexSearch(bibTexDB=bibTexDB, string=\"array\", browser=T)\n #(3.1) Export references in text format cat(sort(returnText(bibTexSubDB=bibTexSubDB, printurl=T)), sep=\"\\n\") # View result in R. cat(sort(returnText(bibTexSubDB=bibTexSubDB, printurl=T)), file=\"zzz.bib\", sep=\"\\n\\n\") # Exports results to file.\n #(3.2) Export bibTexSubDB lapply(bibTexSubDB, cat, sep=\"\\n\") # View result in R. lapply(bibTexDB[hits], cat, sep=\"\\n\", file=\"zzz.bib\", append=T) # Exports results to file. \n #(4.1) Search HubMed browseURL(\"http://www.hubmed.org/search.cgi?q=promoter+motif+enrichment\")\n #(4.2) Run almost everything within one function bibTexAll(file=\"~/Manuscripts/BibTeX/MyBibTex.bib\", bibtex2PDF=F, printurl=T, printtext=T, browser=T, string=\"promoter\")\n" )