WESTERN Uruguay    


[Please CLICK on pictures to enlarge:]



<uru35> -- Wild ostriches in northwest Uruguay, Feb 1965



<uru36> -- Wild ostriches, cattle and gaucho, central Uruguay, Feb 1965



<uru37> -- Native palms by a river in northwest Uruguay, Feb 1965



<uru43> -- "We want justice:  Potato Growers of Salto, Uruguay," Feb 1965



<fam2240> -- Salto, Uruguay, Feb 1965



<uru39> -- Cataract on the Río Uruguayo at Salto, Feb 1965



<uru40> -- Cataract on the Río Uruguayo at Salto, Feb 1965



<uru41> -- By the Río Uruguayo, Salto, Feb 1965




<fam2241> -- Río Uruguayo, Salton, Uruguay, Feb 1965



<uru42> -- Flowering thorn-trunked tree, Salto, Feb 1965



<fam841> -- Near Atlántida, Uruguay, Jan -- 1965