

rhein1 – Sue aboard the Viking Helvetia on Rhein River cruise, Nov. 2008

rhein2 – A canal in Amsterdam, Holland, Nov. 2008

rhein3 – Small canal and bridge in Amsterdam, Holland, Nov 2008

rhein4 – A church along a canal in Amsterdam, Holland, Nov. 2008

rhein5 – Old Dutch trading vessel in Amsterdam, Holland, Nov. 2008

rhein6 – View of Amsterdam, Holland from a large canal, Nov 2008

rhein7 – A barge on the Rhein River south of Amsterdam, Holland, Nov 2008

rhein8 – Local people fishing along the Rhein River south of Amsterdam, Holland, Nov 2008

rhein9 – The bar and lounge on the Viking Helvetia, Nov 2008

hol1 – A pasture near Rotterdam, Aug 1955

hol2 – Bridge over a canal in Rotterdam, Aug 1955

hol3 – The Docks in Amsterdam, Apr. 1956


Germany (Kőln)


rhein10 – Luncheon buffet in the lounge on the Viking Helvetia, Nov 2008

rhein11 – Approach to Kőln, Germany & St. Martins Cathedral, Nov 2008

rhein12 -- Approach to Kőln, Germany & St. Martins Cathedral, Nov 2008

rhein13 -- Approach to Kőln, Germany & St. Martins Cathedral, Nov 2008

rhein14 – St. Martins Cathedral viewed from the Rhein River, Kőln, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein15 – The Rhine River shore at Kőln, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein16 -- St. Martins Cathedral viewed from the Rhein River, Kőln, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein17 – Gold shrine in St. Martins Cathedral, Kőln, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein18 – Stained-glass windows in St. Martins Cathedral, Kőln, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein19 – Stained-glass windows in St. Martins Cathedral, Kőln, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein20 -- Stained-glass windows in St. Martins Cathedral, Kőln, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein21 -- Stained-glass windows in St. Martins Cathedral, Kőln, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein22 -- Stained-glass windows in St. Martins Cathedral, Kőln, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein23 -- Stained-glass windows in St. Martins Cathedral, Kőln, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein24 -- Stained-glass windows in St. Martins Cathedral, Kőln, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein25 -- Stained-glass windows in St. Martins Cathedral, Kőln, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein26 -- Stained-glass windows in St. Martins Cathedral, Kőln, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein27 -- Stained-glass windows in St. Martins Cathedral, Kőln, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein28 -- Stained-glass windows in St. Martins Cathedral, Kőln, Germany, Nov 2008


Germany (Koblenz)


rhein29 – Statues of ancient soldiers in Marksburg Castle, Koblenz, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein30 -- Statues of ancient soldiers in Marksburg Castle, Koblenz, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein31 -- Statues of ancient soldiers in Marksburg Castle, Koblenz, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein32 -- Statues of ancient soldiers in Marksburg Castle, Koblenz, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein33 – View of the Rhein River from Marksburg Castle, Koblenz, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein34 – The grounds around Marksburg Castle, Koblenz, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein35 -- Marksburg Castle, Koblenz, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein36 -- Marksburg Castle, Koblenz, Germany, Nov 2008

ger211 --  Overview of Koblenz, Rheinland, Oct 1966

ger212 --  Overview of Koblenz, Rheinland, Oct 1966

ger213 --  Overview of Koblenz, Rheinland, Oct 1966

ger217 --  The Rhein River Valley near Koblenz, Oct 1966

ger218 --  The Rhein River Valley near Koblenz, Oct 1966

ger220 --  A castle along the Rhein River valley near Koblenz, Oct 1966

ger221 --  Vineyards along the Rhein River valley near Koblenz, Oct 1966


Germany (Rűdesheim area)


rhein37 – The Viking Helvetia docked along the Rhein River near Rűdesheim, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein38 -- The Viking Helvetia docked along the Rhein River near Rűdesheim, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein39 – A castle along the Rhein River near Rűdesheim, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein40 -- A castle along the Rhein River near Rűdesheim, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein41 – The Lorelei statue in the Rhein River near Rűdesheim, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein42 -- The Lorelei statue in the Rhein River near Rűdesheim, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein43 -- The Lorelei rock formation along the  Rhein River near Rűdesheim, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein44 -- The Lorelei rock formation along the  Rhein River near Rűdesheim, Germany, Nov 2008


Germany (Heidelberg area)


rhein45 – Vineyards along the Rhein River near Heidelberg, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein46 – A nuclear power plant along the Rhein River near Mannheim, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein47 – Overview of Heidelberg, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein48 – Heidelberg Castle, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein49 – The grounds in Heidelberg Castle, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein50 -- The grounds in Heidelberg Castle, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein51 – View of the Neckar River at Heidelberg, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein52 -- View of the Neckar River at Heidelberg, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein53 -- Overview of Heidelberg, Germany, from Heidelberg Castle, Nov 2008

rhein54 – The world’s largest wine keg in Heidelberg Castle, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein55 -- The world’s largest wine keg in Heidelberg Castle, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein56 – A view of Heidelberg Castle, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein57 – A plaza in Heidelberg, Germany with the castle on the upper left, Nov 2008

rhein58 – Hotel Ritter, Heidelberg, Germany, Nov 2008


Germany (Mannheim area)


rhein59 – Approach to a lock on the Rhein River south of Mannheim, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein60 -- Approach to a lock on the Rhein River south of Mannheim, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein61 -- Entering a lock on the Rhein River south of Mannheim, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein62 – A coal barge in the lock south of Mannheim, Germany, Nov 2008


Germany (Black Forest)


rhein74 – Carved pillars in a church in the Black Forest near Elsach, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein75 -- Inside a church in the Black Forest near Elsach, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein76 – Murals inside a church in the Black Forest near Elsach, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein77 -- A church in the Black Forest near Elsach, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein78 – A meadow in the Black Forest near Elsach, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein79 -- A church in the Black Forest near Elsach, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein80 – Giant clock in the Black Forest near Elsach, Germany, Nov 2008

rhein81 – A hotel in the Black Forest near Elsach, Germany, Nov 2008


France (Strasbourg)


rhein63 – View of the Cathedral in Strasbourg, Alsace, France, Nov 2008

rhein64 – Approaching Cathedral Square, Strasbourg, Alsace, France, Nov 2008

rhein65 – Along a bridge in Old Town, Strasbourg, Alsace, France, Nov 2008

rhein66 -- Along a bridge in Old Town, Strasbourg, Alsace, France, Nov 2008

rhein67 – The small Rhin River at Strasbourg, Alsace, France, Nov 2008

rhein68 – Decorative fascade of a building  in Strasbourg, Alsace, France, Nov 2008

rhein69 – Picturesque buildings in Old Town, Strasbourg, Alsace, France, Nov 2008

rhein70 – A square near the Cathedral in Strasbourg, Alsace, France, Nov 2008

rhein71 -- A square near the Cathedral in Strasbourg, Alsace, France, Nov 2008

rhein72 – Renaissance architecture in Strasbourg, Alsace, France, Nov 2008

rhein73 – Stained-glass window in Strasbourg Cathedral, Alsace, France, Nov 2008


France (Colmar)


rhein82 – A square in Colmar, Alsace, France, Nov 2008

rhein83 – Ornate buildings in Colmar, Alsace, France, Nov 2008

rhein84 -- Ornate buildings in Colmar, Alsace, France, Nov 2008

rhein85 – Sign at a restaurant in Colmar, Alsace, France, Nov 2008

rhein86 -- A street in Colmar, Alsace, France, Nov 2008

rhein87 -- A square in Colmar, Alsace, France, Nov 2008

rhein88 – The 1834 house in Colmar, Alsace of Auguste Bartholui, builder of the Statue of Liberty

rhein89 – Statue built by Auguste Bartholui in Colmar, Alsace, France, Nov 2008

rhein90 -- Statue built by Auguste Bartholui in Colmar, Alsace, France, Nov 2008


Switzerland (Basel)


rhein91 – A street in Basel, Switzerland, Nov 2008

rhein92 – Rathaus in Basel, Switzerland, Nov 2008

rhein93 -- Rathaus in Basel, Switzerland, Nov 2008

rhein94 – Murals in the Rathaus, Basel, Switzerland, Nov 2008

rhein95 – A bridge over the Rhein River, Basel, Switzerland, Nov 2008

rhein96 -- A bridge over the Rhein River, Basel, Switzerland, Nov 2008

rhein97 -- A bridge over the Rhein River, Basel, Switzerland, Nov 2008

rhein98 – A square in downtown Basel, Switzerland, Nov 2008

rhein99 -- A square in downtown Basel, Switzerland, Nov 2008


Switzerland (Zűrich)


rhein100 – View south of The Alps, Zűrich, Switzerland, Nov 2008

rhein101 – View north over Zűrich, Switzerland, Nov 2008

rhein102 – View of The Alps from the Zűrich Airport, Switzerland, Nov 2008

swi26 --  The Rhein River at Zurich, May 1955

swi27 --  The Rhein River at Zurich, May 1955

swi28 --  The countryside northeast of Zurich, May 1955

swi29 --  The countryside northeast of Zurich, May 1955