Table 1.  Mean and standard error of the percentage of hosts that contained more than one egg (egg/hst), from which more than one wasp emerged (wasp/hst), and the difference between these values for hybrid females that had mated either with a gregarious male, had remained virgin or had mated with a solitary male.


                n              >egg/hst                                 >wasps/hst                             difference


gregarious male                                    16            38.4 (2.39)                              28.7 (2.13)                              9.8  (2.93)


virgin                                      21            33.8 (2.08)                              12.3 (1.86)                              21.6  (2.56)


                solitary male                         13            43.1 (2.65)                              5.3 (2.36)                                              37.8  (3.25)




Table 2. Mean and standard error of the total number of offspring (eggs or wasps) and the difference between these numbers, for hybrid females that had mated either with a gregarious male, had remained virgin or had mated with a solitary male.



                n              >egg/hst                                 >wasps/hst                             difference


gregarious male                                    16            60.6 (2.25)                              54.8 (1.97)                             5.8 (1.95)


virgin                                    22              57.0 (1.97)                              43.2 (1.72)                              13.8 (1.71)


                solitary male                         13            58.8 (2.51)                              38.7 (2.19)                              20.1 (2.17)




Table 3.  Mean and standard error of the number of parasitized hosts indicated by the presence          of one or more eggs, by the emergence of one or more wasps and the difference between these numbers, for hybrid females that had mated either with a gregarious male, had remained virgin or had mated with a solitary male.


n              hosts with egg                       host with wasps                     difference


gregarious male                    16            41.6 (1.24)                              40.3 (1.40)                              1.3 (0.93)


virgin                                      21            40.9 (1.08)                              38.9 (1.22)                              2.1 (0.81)


solitary male                         13            39.2 (1.37)                              37.3 (1.55)                              1.9 (1.03)




Table 4. Total egg and wasps distribution per host for females that had either mated with males from a gregarious line, had remained virgin or had mated with males from a solitary line.  Egg allocation per host, represented as the percentage of all hosts in egg sample containing either 1, 2, 3 or 4 eggs.  Wasp distribution per hosts represented as the percentage of hosts containing a male (M) or a female (F) or a combination of the two.



No.                          Sample dissected for egg counts        


mothers ---------------------------------------------------------


        % of hosts with 1-4 eggs                            


No.                          1              2              3              4



gregarious male                    16            677                          62.5         32.2         5.0           0.3


                                virgin                                    22              855                     65.1              30.4           3.7             0.7


solitary male                         13            507                     56.8              36.9         5.3           1.0




No.                          Sample left for wasp counts

of                             -----------------------------------------------------------------

mothers                 % of hosts from which males and/or females emerged


No.          1M          1F            2M          2F            1M1F      1M2F      3M          3F



gregarious male                    16            661          10.8         59.6         0             23.1         3.5          0.3          0             2.6


                              virgin                                     22               803            87.5       0           12.1           0               0              0         0.4                 0


solitary male                         13            483          9.3          86.1        0             3.5           1.0            0            0               0