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MEXICO   Oaxaca



Oaxaca-- Misc. Sites


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<Fig. 70> -- Ceramic sculpture on a Zapotec vessel, ca. 2 1/rd in. high, from Oaxaca, Mexico, dated 400 BC - 150 AD (von Wuthenau 1975).



<Fig. 115> -- Ceramic htm\\htm/eture, 4 1/3rd in. high, from Zapotec culture, Oaxaca, Mexico, dated 300-900 AD (Von Wuthenau 1969).



<Fig. 170> -- Ceramic htm\\htm/eture, 7 in. high, from Oaxaca, Mexico, dated 900-1300 AD (Von Wuthenau 1969).




<Fig. 174> -- Ceramic sculpture, 7.8 in high, from the Mixtec Culture, Oaxaca, Mexico, dated 1200-1400 AD (Bernonneau et al. 1985).