
  • Control flow (or alternatively, flow of control)
  • if(), for(), and while()
  • Avoiding iteration
  • Introduction to strings and string operations

Control flow

Control flow is the order in which individual statements, instructions or function calls of an imperative program are executed or evaluated

A control flow statement is a statement whose execution results in a choice being made as to which of two or more paths should be followed


Have the computer decide what to do next

  • Mathematically: \[ |x| = \left\{ \begin{array}{cl} x & \mathrm{if}~x\geq 0 \\ -x &\mathrm{if}~ x < 0\end{array}\right. ~,~ \psi(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cl} x^2 & \mathrm{if}~|x|\leq 1\\ 2|x|-1 &\mathrm{if}~ |x| > 1\end{array}\right. \]
    Exercise: plot \(\psi\) in R

  • Computationally:

if the country code is not "US", multiply prices by current exchange rate


Simplest conditional:

if (x >= 0) {
} else {

Condition in if needs to give one TRUE or FALSE value

else clause is optional

one-line actions don't need braces

if (x >= 0) x else -x


if can nest arbitrarily deeply:

if (x^2 < 1) {
} else {
  if (x >= 0) {
  } else {

Can get ugly though

Combining Booleans

& work | like + or *: combine terms element-wise

Flow control wants one Boolean value, and to skip calculating what's not needed

&& and || give one Boolean, lazily:

(0 > 0) && (all.equal(42%%6, 169%%13))
## [1] FALSE

This never evaluates the complex expression on the right

Use && and || for control, & and | for subsetting


Repeat similar actions multiple times:

table.of.logarithms <- vector(length=7,mode="numeric")
## [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
for (i in 1:length(table.of.logarithms)) {
  table.of.logarithms[i] <- log(i)
## [1] 0.0000000 0.6931472 1.0986123 1.3862944 1.6094379 1.7917595 1.9459101


for (i in 1:length(table.of.logarithms)) {
  table.of.logarithms[i] <- log(i)

for increments a counter (here i) along a vector (here 1:length(table.of.logarithms)) and loops through the **body* until it runs through the vector

"iterates over the vector"

Note, there is a better way to do this job!

Can contain just about anything, including:

  • if() clauses
  • other for() loops (nested iteration)

Nested iteration example

c <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(a), ncol=ncol(b))
if (ncol(a) == nrow(b)) {
  for (i in 1:nrow(c)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(c)) {
      for (k in 1:ncol(a)) {
        c[i,j] <- c[i,j] + a[i,k]*b[k,j]
} else {
  stop("matrices a and b non-conformable")


while (max(x) - 1 > 1e-06) {
  x <- sqrt(x)

Condition in the argument to while must be a single Boolean value (like if)

Body is looped over until the condition is FALSE so can loop forever

Loop never begins unless the condition starts TRUE

for() vs. while()

for() is better when the number of times to repeat (values to iterate over) is clear in advance

while() is better when you can recognize when to stop once you're there, even if you can't guess it to begin with

Every for() could be replaced with a while()
Exercise: show this

Avoiding iteration

R has many ways of avoiding iteration, by acting on whole objects

  • It's conceptually clearer
  • It leads to simpler code
  • It's faster (sometimes a little, sometimes drastically)

Vectorized arithmetic

How many languages add 2 vectors:

c <- vector(length(a))
for (i in 1:length(a)) {  c[i] <- a[i] + b[i]  }

How R adds 2 vectors:


or a triple for() loop for matrix multiplication vs. a %*% b

Advantages of vectorizing

  • Clarity: the syntax is about what we're doing
  • Concision: we write less
  • Abstraction: the syntax hides how the computer does it
  • Generality: same syntax works for numbers, vectors, arrays, …
  • Speed: modifying big vectors over and over is slow in R; work gets done by optimized low-level code

Vectorized calculations

Many functions are set up to vectorize automatically

## [1] 3 2 1 0 1 2 3
## [1] 0.0000000 0.6931472 1.0986123 1.3862944 1.6094379 1.7917595 1.9459101

See also apply()

Vectorized conditions: ifelse()

ifelse(x^2 > 1, 2*abs(x)-1, x^2)

1st argument is a Boolean vector, then pick from the 2nd or 3rd vector arguments as TRUE or FALSE

What Is Truth?

0 counts as FALSE; other numeric values count as TRUE; the strings "TRUE" and "FALSE" count as you'd hope; most everything else gives an error

Advice: Don't play games here; try to make sure control expressions are getting Boolean values

Conversely, in arithmetic, FALSE is 0 and TRUE is 1

states <- data.frame(state.x77,, region=state.region, division=state.division)
mean(states$Murder > 7)
## [1] 0.48


Simplify nested if with switch(): give a variable to select on, then a value for each option

       "I don't understand")

Exercise (off-line)

Set type.of.summary to, succesively, "mean", "median", "histogram", and "mode", and explain what happens

Unconditional iteration

repeat {
  print("Help! I am Dr. Morris Culpepper, trapped in an endless loop!")

"Manual" control over iteration

repeat {
  if (watched) { next() }
  print("Help! I am Dr. Morris Culpepper, trapped in an endless loop!")
  if (rescued) { break() }

break() exits the loop; next() skips the rest of the body and goes back into the loop

both work with for() and while() as well

Exercise: how would you replace while() with repeat()?

Strings and string operations

Most data we deal with is in character form!

  • web pages can be scraped
  • email can be analyzed for network properties
  • survey responses must be processed and compared

Even if you only care about numbers, it helps to be able to extract them from text and manipulate them easily.

Characters vs. Strings

  • Character: a symbol in a written language, specifically what you can enter at a keyboard: letters, numerals, punctuation, space, newlines, etc.
'L', 'i', 'n', 'c', 'o', 'l'
  • String: a sequence of characters bound together


Note: R does not have a separate type for characters and strings

## [1] "character"
## [1] "character"
## [1] "character"

Making Strings

Use single or double quotes to construct a string; use nchar() to get the length of a single string. Why do we prefer double quotes?

## [1] "Lincoln"
"Abraham Lincoln"
## [1] "Abraham Lincoln"
"Abraham Lincoln's Hat"
## [1] "Abraham Lincoln's Hat"
"As Lincoln never said, \"Four score and seven beers ago\""
## [1] "As Lincoln never said, \"Four score and seven beers ago\""


The space, " " is a character; so are multiple spaces " " and the empty string, "".

Some characters are special, so we have "escape characters" to specify them in strings. - quotes within strings: \" - tab: \t - new line \n and carriage return \r – use the former rather than the latter when possible

Character data type

One of the atomic data types, like numeric or logical

Can go into scalars, vectors, arrays, lists, or be the type of a column in a data frame.

length("Abraham Lincoln's beard")
## [1] 1
length(c("Abraham", "Lincoln's", "beard"))
## [1] 3
nchar("Abraham Lincoln's beard")
## [1] 23
nchar(c("Abraham", "Lincoln's", "beard"))
## [1] 7 9 5

Character-valued variables

They work just like others, e.g., with vectors:

president <- "Lincoln"
nchar(president)  # NOT 9
## [1] 7
presidents <- c("Fillmore","Pierce","Buchanan","Davis","Johnson")
## [1] "Buchanan"
## [1] "Davis"   "Johnson"

Displaying characters

We know print(), of course; cat() writes the string directly to the console. If you're debugging, message() is R's preferred syntax.

print("Abraham Lincoln")
## [1] "Abraham Lincoln"
cat("Abraham Lincoln")
## Abraham Lincoln
## Fillmore Pierce Buchanan Davis Johnson
## FillmorePierceBuchananDavisJohnson

Substring operations

Substring: a smaller string from the big string, but still a string in its own right.

A string is not a vector or a list, so we cannot use subscripts like [[ ]] or [ ] to extract substrings; we use substr() instead.

phrase <- "Christmas Bonus"
substr (phrase, start=8, stop=12)
## [1] "as Bo"

We can also use substr to replace elements:

substr(phrase, 13, 13) <- "g"
## [1] "Christmas Bogus"

substr() for string vectors

substr() vectorizes over all its arguments:

## [1] "Fillmore" "Pierce"   "Buchanan" "Davis"    "Johnson"
substr(presidents,1,2)   # First two characters
## [1] "Fi" "Pi" "Bu" "Da" "Jo"
substr(presidents,nchar(presidents)-1,nchar(presidents))   # Last two
## [1] "re" "ce" "an" "is" "on"
substr(presidents,20,21)    # No such substrings so return the null string
## [1] "" "" "" "" ""
substr(presidents,7,7)      # Explain!
## [1] "r" ""  "a" ""  "n"

Dividing strings into vectors

strsplit() divides a string according to key characters, by splitting each element of the character vector x at appearances of the pattern split.

scarborough.fair <- "parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme"
strsplit (scarborough.fair, ",")
## [[1]]
## [1] "parsley"   " sage"     " rosemary" " thyme"
strsplit (scarborough.fair, ", ")
## [[1]]
## [1] "parsley"  "sage"     "rosemary" "thyme"

Pattern is recycled over elements of the input vector:

strsplit (c(scarborough.fair, "Garfunkel, Oates", "Clement, McKenzie"), ", ")
## [[1]]
## [1] "parsley"  "sage"     "rosemary" "thyme"   
## [[2]]
## [1] "Garfunkel" "Oates"    
## [[3]]
## [1] "Clement"  "McKenzie"

Note that it outputs a list of character vectors – why should this be the default?

Combining vectors into strings

Converting one variable type to another is called casting:

as.character(7.2)            # Obvious
## [1] "7.2"
as.character(7.2e12)         # Obvious
## [1] "7.2e+12"
as.character(c(7.2,7.2e12))  # Obvious
## [1] "7.2"     "7.2e+12"
as.character(7.2e5)          # Not quite so obvious
## [1] "720000"

Building strings from multiple parts

The paste() function is very flexible!

With one vector argument, works like as.character():

## [1] "41" "42" "43" "44" "45"

Building strings from multiple parts

With 2 or more vector arguments, combines them with recycling:

## [1] "Fillmore 41" "Pierce 42"   "Buchanan 43" "Davis 44"    "Johnson 45"
paste(presidents,c("R","D"))  # Not historically accurate!
## [1] "Fillmore R" "Pierce D"   "Buchanan R" "Davis D"    "Johnson R"
## [1] "Fillmore ( R 41 )" "Pierce ( D 42 )"   "Buchanan ( R 43 )"
## [4] "Davis ( D 44 )"    "Johnson ( R 45 )"

Building strings from multiple parts

Changing the separator between pasted-together terms:

paste(presidents, " (", 41:45, ")", sep="_")
## [1] "Fillmore_ (_41_)" "Pierce_ (_42_)"   "Buchanan_ (_43_)"
## [4] "Davis_ (_44_)"    "Johnson_ (_45_)"
paste(presidents, " (", 41:45, ")", sep="")
## [1] "Fillmore (41)" "Pierce (42)"   "Buchanan (43)" "Davis (44)"   
## [5] "Johnson (45)"

Exercise: what happens if you give sep a vector?

More complicated example of recycling

Exercise: Convince yourself of why this works as it does

##  [1] "HW 1"   "Lab 1"  "HW 2"   "Lab 2"  "HW 3"   "Lab 3"  "HW 4"  
##  [8] "Lab 4"  "HW 5"   "Lab 5"  "HW 6"   "Lab 6"  "HW 7"   "Lab 7" 
## [15] "HW 8"   "Lab 8"  "HW 9"   "Lab 9"  "HW 10"  "Lab 10" "HW 11" 
## [22] "Lab 11"

Condensing multiple strings

Producing one big string:

paste(presidents, " (", 41:45, ")", sep="", collapse="; ")
## [1] "Fillmore (41); Pierce (42); Buchanan (43); Davis (44); Johnson (45)"

Default value of collapse is NULL – that is, it won't use it

Function for writing regression formulas

R has a standard syntax for models: outcome and predictors.

my.formula <- function(dep,indeps,df) {
  rhs <- paste(colnames(df)[indeps], collapse="+")
  return(paste(colnames(df)[dep], " ~  ", rhs, collapse=""))
## [1] "Income  ~   Illiteracy+Murder+Frost"

General search


  • if, nested if, switch
  • Iteration: for, while
  • Avoiding iteration with whole-object ("vectorized") operations
  • Text is data, just like everything else