- Overview of
Package - Package
- Example
- Evaluation
provides methods for combining independent subset MCMC posterior samples to estimate a posterior density given the full data set."parallelMCMCcombine" package contains four methods:
\[\theta_{t}=\frac{1}{M}\sum_{m=1}^{M}\theta_{t}^{m}\] - The covariance between individual model parameters is assumed to be zero
sampleAvg(subchain=NULL, shuff=FALSE)
\[\theta_{ti}=\frac{\sum_{m=1}^{M}W_{mi}\theta_{ti}^{m}}{\sum_{m=1}^{M}W_{mi}}\] - \(W_{mi}\) are the weights defined by \((\Sigma_{i}^{m})^{-1}\), the inverse of the estimated sample variance of the T MCMC samples \(\Sigma_{i}^{m}=Var(\theta_i|y_m)\).
consensusMCindep(subchain=NULL, shuff=FALSE)
\[\theta_{ti}=(\sum_{m=1}^{M}W_{m})^{-1}(\sum_{m=1}^{M}W_{m}\theta_{t}^{m})\] - \(W_{m}=\Sigma_{m}^{-1}\), where \(\Sigma_{m}=Var(\theta|y_m)\) is the variance-covariance matrix for the d unknown model parameters. It is estimated by the sample variance-covariance matrix of the T MCMC subposterior samples.
consensusMCcov(subchain=NULL, shuff=FALSE)
Subposterior densities for each data subset are estimated using kernel smoothing techniques.
The subposterior densities are then multiplied together to approximate the posterior density based on the full data set.
semiparamDPE(subchain=NULL, bandw=rep(1.0, dim(subchain) [1]), anneal=TRUE, shuff=FALSE)
subchain: Input full data, an array with dimensions=(d, T, M).
bandw: the vector of bandwidths h of length d to be specified by the user.
anneal: a logical value. If TRUE, the bandwidth bandw (instead of being fixed) is decreased for each iteration of the algorithm.
shuff: A logical value indicating whether the d-dimensional samples within a machine should be randomly permuted. Remove potential correlations between MCMC samples from different machines.
We simulated \(100,000\) observations from a logistic regression model with five covariates:
The sample size of 100,000 was chosen so that a full data analysis was still feasible.
The covariates \(X\) and model parameters \(\beta\) were simulated from standard normal distributions.
The resulting simulated values of were \[\beta=(0.47, -1.70, 0.54, -0.90, 0.86)^T\] which are the parameters estimated in our analysis.
\[y_i|p_i\sim Bernoulli(p_i),i=1,...,n\] \[logit(p_i)=\beta_1x_{i1}+\beta_2x_{i2}+\beta_3x_{i3}+\beta_4x_{i4}+\beta_5x_{i5}\] where
\[logit(p_i)=\log(\frac{p_i}{1-p_i})\] - We assigned uninformative priors to the \(\beta\) parameters.
\[y_i\sim Bernoulli(p_i)\]
\[p_{i}=\frac{\exp(X_i\beta)}{1+\exp(X_i\beta)}\] where \(X_i\) denotes the ith row of \(X\)
The full data set was divided into 10 subsets of size \(10,000\) each.
We sampled \(50,000\) iterations after burnin of \(2,000\) iterations for each(in R).
We also implemented the Bayesian model for the full data set for the model parameters for comparison, again for \(50,000\) iterations each after burnin of \(2,000\) iterations.
library(parallelMCMCcombine) library(MCMCpack)
ptm<-proc.time() d=5 #logistic.sampleavg.combine <- sampleAvg() sampT <- 50000 # number of subset posterior samples M <- 10 # total number of subsets simu <- 100000/M ## simulate Gaussian subposterior samples theta <- array(NA,c(d,sampT,M)) beta.vec=c(0.47,-1.7,0.54,-0.9,0.86) set.seed(1) for(s in 1:M){ set.seed(s) y.vec=replicate(simu,0) p.vec=replicate(simu,0) x.m=matrix(replicate(simu*d,0),nrow=simu,ncol=d) beta.vec=c(0.47,-1.7,0.54,-0.9,0.86) for(i in 1:simu){ x.m[i,]=rnorm(d) e.t=exp(t(beta.vec)%*%x.m[i,]) p.vec[i]=e.t/(e.t+1) y.vec[i]=rbinom(1,1,p.vec[i]) }
x.1=x.m[,1] x.2=x.m[,2] x.3=x.m[,3] x.4=x.m[,4] x.5=x.m[,5] #logistic mcmc logmcmc = MCMClogit(y.vec~x.1+x.2+x.3+x.4+x.5+0, burnin=2000, mcmc=sampT) a=logmcmc[,1:5] tem=matrix(replicate(d*sampT,0),nrow=sampT,ncol=d) for(ii in 1:sampT){ for(jj in 1:d){ tem[ii,jj]=a[ii,jj] theta[jj,ii,s]=tem[ii,jj] } } if(s==1){ x.whole=x.m y.whole=y.vec }else{ x.whole=rbind(x.whole,x.m) y.whole=c(y.whole,y.vec) } } proc.time()-ptm
#full data analysis ptm<-proc.time() x.1=x.whole[,1] x.2=x.whole[,2] x.3=x.whole[,3] x.4=x.whole[,4] x.5=x.whole[,5] logmcmc = MCMClogit(y.whole~x.1+x.2+x.3+x.4+x.5+0, burnin=2000, mcmc=sampT) a=logmcmc[,1:d] tem=matrix(replicate(d*sampT,0),nrow=sampT,ncol=d) for(ii in 1:sampT){ for(jj in 1:d){ tem[ii,jj]=a[ii,jj] } } tem.full=tem proc.time()-ptm
#10 subsets methods comparisons #graph 1 d.full <- density(tem.full[,1]) # returns the density data plot(d.full,xlim=c(0.35,0.6),ylim=c(0,45),xlab="parameter",main="") # plots the results for(i in 1:M){ temp=x.whole[((1+(i-1)*simu):(i*simu)),] y.temp=y.whole[((1+(i-1)*simu):(i*simu))] x.1=temp[,1] x.2=temp[,2] x.3=temp[,3] x.4=temp[,4] x.5=temp[,5] logmcmc.temp = MCMClogit(y.temp~x.1+x.2+x.3+x.4+x.5+0, burnin=2000, mcmc=sampT) a=logmcmc.temp[,1:d] tem=matrix(replicate(d*sampT,0),nrow=sampT,ncol=d) for(ii in 1:sampT){ for(jj in 1:d){ tem[ii,jj]=a[ii,jj] } } d.temp <- density(tem[,1]) lines(d.temp$x,d.temp$y,col=i+1,lty=i+1) }
#graph 2 avg.theta <- sampleAvg(subchain=theta, shuff=TRUE) d.avg <- density(avg.theta[1,]) # returns the density data plot(d.full,xlab="parameter",main="") # plots the results lines(d.avg$x,d.avg$y,lty=2,col="red") #graph 3 cin.theta <- consensusMCindep(subchain=theta, shuff=TRUE) d.cin <- density(cin.theta[1,]) # returns the density data plot(d.full,xlab="parameter",main="") # plots the results lines(d.cin$x,d.cin$y,lty=2,col="red") #graph 4 ccov.theta <- consensusMCcov(subchain=theta, shuff=TRUE) d.cov <- density(ccov.theta[1,]) # returns the density data plot(d.full,xlab="parameter",main="") # plots the results lines(d.cov$x,d.cov$y,lty=2,col="red") #graph 5 semi.anneal.theta <- semiparamDPE(theta, bandw = rep(1.0, dim(theta)[1]), anneal = TRUE,shuff=TRUE) d.semi.anneal <- density(semi.anneal.theta[1,]) # returns the density data plot(d.full,xlab="parameter",main="") # plots the results lines(d.semi.anneal$x,d.semi.anneal$y,lty=2,col="red") #graph 6 semi.noanneal.theta <- semiparamDPE(theta, bandw = rep(1.0, dim(theta)[1]), anneal = FALSE,shuff=TRUE) d.semi.noanneal <- density(semi.noanneal.theta[1,]) # returns the density data plot(d.full,xlab="parameter",main="") # plots the results lines(d.semi.noanneal$x,d.semi.noanneal$y,lty=2,col="red")
#distance between estimated and true density d0=d.full vec=list(d.avg,d.cin,d.cov,d.semi.anneal,d.semi.noanneal) for(k in 1:5){ d1=vec[[k]] f0 <- approxfun(d0$x, d0$y) f1 <- approxfun(d1$x, d1$y) ovrng <- c(max(min(d0$x), min(d1$x)), min(max(d0$x), max(d1$x))) i <- seq(min(ovrng), max(ovrng), length.out=500) h <- f0(i)-f1(i) area<-sum( (h[-1]+h[-length(h)]) /2 *diff(i) *(h[-1]>=0+0)) print(round(area,4)) }
Method | 5 subsets | 10 subsets | 20 subsets | 50 subsets |
Sample Average | 0.034 | 0.0764 | 0.1169 | 0.194 |
Consensus MC Independence | 0.0144 | 0.0384 | 0.0539 | 0.1429 |
Consensus MC Covariance | 0.028 | 0.0188 | 0.0219 | 0.0449 |
Semiparametric anneal=TRUE | 0.0308 | 0.0208 | 0.0238 | 0.1004 |
Semiparametric anneal=FALSE | 0.0264 | 0.0194 | 0.0217 | 0.0574 |
Method | 5 subsets | 10 subsets | 20 subsets | 50 subsets |
Sample Average | 0.07 | 0.08 | 0.12 | 0.33 |
Consensus MC Independence | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 |
Consensus MC Covariance | 2 | 3 | 5 | 16 |
Semiparametric | 411 | 803 | 1511 | 3890 |
Help investigators explore the various methods for specific applications
Dealing well with large datasets
Improve the analysis speed with parallel computing
Some methods are not working well with special priors(spike and slab)
When the number of parameters is large, the computing time is also huge.