The Moral Behavior of Ethicists
In J. Sytsma and W. Buckwalter, eds., A Companion to Experimental Philosophy (Wiley-Blackwell, 2016)
Eric Schwitzgebel and Joshua Rust
Is philosophical moral reflection of the sort practiced by professional
ethicists in fact morally improving? And how do ethicists' explicitly espoused
moral principles relate to their practical moral behavior? To date, all
published quantitative studies of the issue have been led by Eric Schwitzgebel
and Joshua Rust, the two authors of this article, usually in collaboration with
each other. Our general finding is this: On average, professional ethicists'
behavior is indistinguishable from the behavior of comparison groups of
professors in other fields. Also, in one multi-variable study, we find ethicists
neither more nor less likely than other professors to act in accord with their
expressed moral attitudes. This article summarizes these overall findings and
offers a new quantitative meta-analysis.
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