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Thunderstorms        Images © Mark A. Chappell

I live in southern California most of the time and greatly miss thunderstorms (very rare in SoCal).   On a research visit to the Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Lab near Mammoth Lakes in the eastern Sierra in the summer of 2005, I was fortunate enough to be treated to several really good storms.  The two images above were taken from the second floor of the lab administration building; the others were taken in different years to the east, in the sagebrush shrub-steppe habitat in Long Valley.   The lightning image was partially luck and partially anticipation -- I noticed that this storm was generating multiple bolts occasionally, so I set the camera for a long exposure and fired as soon as a bolt occurred.   Out of about 20 attempts, this is the only one that captured a second bolt.

The other photos of storm clouds were taken in the vicinity of SNARL over a couple of summers.

  • Canon 1D II, 17-40 mm zoom, Sigma 12-24 zoom (2005, 2006, 2007)