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Dead cottonwoods, Owens Valley        Images © Mark A. Chappell

I photographed these dead cottonwood trees along a road on the east side of the Owens Valley, near Bishop (Inyo County, California).   The picture at top left was taken about half an hour after sunset, and I sat on the road and braced the camera against my knees for the long (1/4 sec) exposure in the rapidly fading light.   The other photo above was taken just after dawn and shows a close-up of the trunk of one of these trees.   The pictures below were long exposures taken well before dawn on a night with a near-full moon; fill-in flash helped illuminate the trees.

  • Canon 10D, 17-40 mm lens at 17 mm or 100-400 mm IS lens at about 200 mm (2004, 2005)