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Sunrise over Long Valley        Images © Mark A. Chappell

Field work at the Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Lab in the summer of 2005 required me to be up at dawn, so I was able to capture quite a few nice sunrises.   SNARL sits on Convict Creek on the east slope of the Sierra, and gives good views to the Glass and White Mountains to the east.  All these images were taken from the second floor of the lab administration building; the upper two with a wideangle lens and the rest with a telephoto.   I used a graduated neutral-density filter on the first two images to even out exposures across a bright sky and a dark foreground (the upper left picture was a long exposure captured about 20 minutes before dawn).

  • Canon 1D II, 17-40 mm zoom or 100-400 IS zoom (2005, 2006)