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Dawn on Laurel Peak        Images © Mark A. Chappell

Laurel Peak, above Convict Lake in the eastern Sierra Nevada of California, is a rounded mountain with convoluted strata, made of pale rock.   At sunrise on a clear day, the peak is illuminated before the sagebrush covered hills below, and the yellow-orange light of early morning creates an intense color.  To get these images -- all taken on one morning as I was walking around my study area -- I used a graded neutral-density filter to accommodate the great range of light intensity between foreground and background.   In the image below, the peak to the south (left) of Laurel is Mt. Morrison.  The closeup at the bottom left of the page shows what I think look's like a wolf or dog's head image formed by folded strata.

Other views of Laurel and Morrison can be seen here.

  • Canon 30D, 17-40 mm zoom, 'wolf head' with 500 mm IS lens + 1.4X converter (2006, 2007)