Molecular phylogeny of the Tylenchomorpha establishing an evolutionary framework for the study of plant parasitic nematodes.
U. S. agriculture is economically threatened by nematode plant
pathogens including many of the more than 2000 species of Infraorder
Tylenchida. This immediate, growing threat is exacerbated by loss of
nematicides and increasing global trade/travel, that broadens distribution of
exotic nematodes. The result includes regulatory concerns and urgency for
novel approaches to nematode management. Most promising of these
approaches is exploitation of genomics to target molecular aspects of
nematode pathogen biology, leading to more sophisticated engineering of
plant resistance via GMO hosts, and to the ability to confound expression of
specific nematode parasitism genes. However, these revolutionary approaches
require a solid basis for establishing the origin and maintenance of parasitism
genes, and definition of their distribution across the enormous genetic
diversity of Tylenchida. Apart from an evolutionary framework (phylogeny)
the relevant diverse molecular genetic patterns cannot be meaningfully and
efficiently explored, compared and extended. Thus, the proposed objective is
to develop a robust tylenchid phylogeny and thereby support novel
approaches to nematode management. Rapid progress and cost-savings by
sharing value-added resources/support (including databases, voucher curation
and analytical tools) is ensured through unique linkage to NSF-funded
initiatives to develop a deep level phylogeny of Nematoda. Herein, a
preliminary analysis of SSU rRNA genes from >130 taxa will guide strategies of
taxon and character sampling. Having demonstrated the value for improved
phylogenetic resolution of Tylenchida, we will pursue use of the LSU rRNA and
several protein coding genes. The study engages broad systematic/molecular
expertise with ongoing worldwide contacts and exchange of materials.