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                                                                                          Erich Fred Legner


                                                                                Professor of Biological Control


                                                                                Email:  e.legner@ucr.edu






       Biological pest control as a discipline had its significant beginnings in the 19th Century and continues to grow in scope and achievements.  The importance of natural enemy components in effective agro ecosystem management has been recognized for centuries.  A historical event associated with the spread of agricultural plants and their pests is essential to devise control procedures.  This first organization of a textbook focuses on natural enemies, archeology and prehistory in order to provide a sound foundation for those pursuing biological and integrated pest control professionally, particularly with emphasis on those aspects which have yielded the greatest number of control successes:  the acquisition, culture, establishment and manipulation of new natural enemy species: Classical Biological Control. 


       Text accompanying each section is paraphrased from cited references.  No claim is made that the bibliography associated with each subject is complete; citations are not meant to include all material published on a particular subject; however, cross-referencing should access over 95% of the known literature.  Early literature is also stressed because the natural enemies and techniques developed offer viable pest control strategies in the wake of the eclipse on biological control wrought by half a century of broad-spectrum pesticide deployment and diversion to genetic manipulation.  Research on host or prey organisms that is pertinent to an understanding of natural enemies and their culture is included.  Scientific names are temporarily those used in cited references, while an up-dating effort is still in progress.  A great quantity of material has been compiled in this work, and its wide scope should meet the needs of the most exacting practitioner.  The categories selected for this First Edition may be changed in succeeding editions, and pertinent references for each category will be included as they are found in the literature.  Whenever possible, ideas expressed herein that are attributable to cited authors shall be noted as such and duly credited to them.  The General Index will serve to link the various categories.  For additions and corrections to this database please contact the following for consideration <e.legner@ucr.edu>