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                                                                                LIST & DESCRIPTION OF FIGURES 


                                                             (Opequon Creek, Virginia)



     Please CLICK on Photo to enlarge:


     Original Figure numbers in brackets     (NOTE:  "Literature" notation is for comparison only)



Fig. 1. -- Aluminum fragment [#113653]


Fig. 2. -- Etching by Scythian slaves? [#174417]


Fig. 3. -- Animal shape? [#151323]


Fig. 4. -- Animal shape? [#151449]


Fig. 5. -- Etching by Scythian slaves? [#115821]


Fig. 6. -- Limestone sculpture [#081651]


Fig. 7. -- Anubis bust (literatue) [#224x300]


Fig. 8. -- Metal fragment [#172012]


Fig. 9. -- Ironing embalming knives [#L0058414]


Fig. 10. -- Sumerian planetary chart? [#200102]


Fig. 11. -- Possibly a bison bull sculpture.



Fig. 12. -- Etching of bison bull. [#085121]


Fig. 13. -- Sumerian planetary chart.  (Literature)



Fig. 14. -- Area excavation site [#DSCN6210]


Fig. 15. -- Area excavation site [#DSCN6212]


Fig. 16. -- Area excavation site [#DSCN6214]


Fig. 17. -- Mattock with petrified wood [#154821]


Fig. 18. -- Metal fragment[#135710] -


Fig. 19. -- Virginia Iron smelting 150 AD.  A two-

pound pig bar is shown on the cover. [#Advanced Furnace]


Fig. 20. -- Ancient brick at Virginia site. [#150911]


Fig. 21. -- Brick mosaic located below a layer of colonial debris. [#100255]


Fig. 22. -- Section of an eroded step mound that reveals   pavers. [#141105]


Fig. 23. -- Original farmhouse built circa 1790



Fig. 24. -- Original farmhouse built circa 1790. [#154733]


Fig. 25. (View #2) -- Rider on animal (Bison?) sulpture [#080137-LI]


Fig. 26. -- Rider on animal (Bison?) [#080015]


Fig. 27. -- ID Pending [#085210]


Fig. 28. -- ID Pending [#151934]


Fig. 29. -- ID Pending [#231608]


Fig. 30. -- Human head sculpture? [#062755]


Fig. 31. -- ID Pending [#074944]


Fig. 32. -- ID Pending [#075629]


Fig. 33. -- ID Pending [#211219]


Fig. 34. -- ID Pending [#101056]



Fig. 35. -- ID Pending [#195251]


Fig. 36. -- ID Pending [#140519]


Fig. 37.  ID Pending [125619-2]


Fig. 38. -- ID Pending [#081455]


Fig. 39. -- Site environs [#082305]


Fig. 40. -- ID Pending [#123708]


Fig. 41. -- Human face carving [#144838]


Fig. 42. -- ID Pending [#075851]


Fig. 43. -- ID Pending [#075935]


Fig. 44. -- ID Pending [#071930]


Fig. 45. -- ID Pending [#211323]


Fig. 46. -- Site environs [#082407]


Fig. 47. -- Site environs [#082453]


Fig. 48. -- Spaceship sculpture? [#091255]


Fig. 49. -- Spaceship sculpture? [#092552]


Fig. 50. -- Spaceship sculpture? [#092552-LI]


Fig. 51. (View #2) -- Stone Carving of a Couple




Fig. 52. -- [#351172.pdf]

CLICK Fig #52 to view



Fig. 53. -- [#142756-resized]


Fig. 54. -- [#anthracite map-LI]



Fig. 55. -- [#384721.pdf] - C-14 Test results

CLICK on Fig. 55 to view



Fig. 56. -- [#389445.pdf] - C-14 Test results

CLICK on Fig. 56 to view



Fig. 57. -- ID Pending [#151449]


Fig. 58. -- Human figures [#115821-1]


Fig. 59. -- ID Pending [#151323]


Fig. 60. -- Human figures etching [#115821-2]


Fig. 61. -- Iron ring [#180902]


Fig. 62. -- Iron fragment [#180104]


Fig. 63. -- Human stone carving [#052959]


Fig. 64. -- Aluminum fragment [#113653]


Fig. 65. -- ID Pending [#101659]


Fig. 66. -- ID Pending [#074954]


Fig. 67. -- Space shuttle reference



Fig. 68. -- Space shuttle (Literature)



Fig. 69. -- Space shuttle dimensions





Fig. 70. -- Human figure pointing to cross [#190357-LI]



Fig. 71. -- [View detail]. -- Stone carvings of humans & animals [#062604-2-LI]


Fig. 72. -- Human head sculpture [#102737]


Fig. 73. -- Brick mosaic located below a layer of colonial debris. [#142538]


Fig. 74. -- Ancient Middle Eastern Anubis (Literature)


Fig. 75. -- Anubis carving (Literature)


Fig. 76. -- Anubis statue (Literature)


Fig. 77. -- Ramses rein Anubis (Literature ?)


Fig. 78. -- Anubis on stele (Literatuare ?)


Fig. 79. -- Rock selected for Anubis carving?


Fig. 80. -- Anubis carving


Fig. 81. -- Unidentified scripts on rock


Fig. 82. -- Deer carving?


Fig. 83. -- Anubis carving


Fig. 84. -- Anubis carving


Fig. 85. -- Human face & Anubis motif


Fig. 86. -- Animal carving?


Fig. 87. -- Animal carving?


Fig. 88. -- Anubis carving (2 views)


Fig. 89. -- Unidentified carvings


Fig. 90. -- Rider carving [#201903]


Fig. 91. -- Unidentified rock with carvings? [#065449]


Fig. 92. -- Unidentified rock with carvings? [#065759]


Fig. 93. -- Historical Mid-east figure (literature)


Fig. 94. -- Enki photo (literature)


Fig. 94b. -- Crow photo (literature)


Fig. 95. -- Ancient rider (literature)


Fig. 95b. -- Unidentified rock carving? [#205157]


Fig. 96. -- Unidentified rock carving? [#210032]


Fig. 97. -- Unidentified rock carving? [#085319]


Fig. 98. -- Unidentified rock carving? [#175102]


Fig. 99 -- Cast Iron Spill (Opequon Creek)






Fig. 100.-- [#080504]

Glazed Brick with magnet

View UW Report




Fig. 101.-- [#064005]



Fig. 102.-- [#224549]



Fig. 103.-- [#peg1]



Fig. 104.-- [#103742]



Fig. 105.-- [#115838]



Fig. 106.-- [#120204]



Fig. 107.-- [#120613]



Fig. 108.-- [#121334]
































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Area Map #1 --  State of Virginia

Area Map #2 --  Frederick County, Virginia

Area Map #3 --  Opequon Creek area

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


Opequon Creek photo #1 --  Opequon Creek, Frederick County, Virginia

Opequon Creek photo #2 --  Opequon Creek, Frederick County, Virginia

Opequon Creek photo #3 --  Opequon Creek, Frederick County, Virginia


Area Description

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3






Fig. xx. --

Fig. xx. --

Fig. xx. --