Plant-insect interactions - A synthesis
Department, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
The study of
plant-insect interactions is necessarily multidisciplinary.
Historically, however, the leaps forward have usually involved
specific aspects of the interaction. In the early the 20th
century, several biologists recognized the importance of plant
secondary metabolites in host choice (e.g. Vershaffelt, Brues,
Fraenkel) and in the 1950s and 1960s the mechanisms of host-plant
choice by insects was a major focus of study (e.g. Kennedy,
Schoonhoven, Dethier, Jermy, Ishikawa). The 1960s and 1970s saw a
flowering of theories invoking the importance of chemical defenses
in the co-evolution of plants and their associated insects (e.g.
Ehrlich, Raven, Feeny, Rhoades and Cates). Other groups,
meanwhile, were contributing to our understanding of broader
community-level interactions (e.g. Janzen, Root, Strong, Zwolfer,
Gilbert, Southwood, Price). Eventually, sophisticated studies of
chemicals and their roles in interactions evolved, and the field
of chemical ecology was born (e.g. Eisner, Berenbaum, Brattsten,
Rosenthal, Rothschild).
More recently, a
host of additional approaches have been added. Nutritional ecology
(e.g. Scriber, Slansky, Simpson) phylogenetics (e.g. Mitter,
Moran, Farrell, Pasteels), biogeography and genetics (e.g. Singer,
Gould, Rausher, Via, Jaenike, Futuyma, Feder, Thompson,
Mitchell-Olds) have all provided unique insights, and the impacts
of other trophic levels in herbivory are now better appreciated
(e.g. Gilbert, Lawton, Strong, Dicke, Stamp, Denno). Finally, it
has become abundantly clear that plants are quite active
participants in their interactions with herbivores (e.g. Coley,
Bryant, Baldwin, Tumlinson, Tallamy, Karban).
In addition to these
topics and many new researchers in them, important contributions
now come from morphologists, neurobiologists, palaentologists and
molecular biologists. My presentation will focus on some new and
little-tested ways to think about and study the interactions of
plants and insects. My attempt to explain the pertinence of these
novel interactions will require that I draw together a number of
the disciplines involved, though I cannot attempt to review the
whole field.
My principal focus
concerns the insect rather than the plant and, in particular, on
how insect neurobiology affects the plant-insect interaction at
all levels. Behavior, including host plant-related behavior is an
expression of neurobiology that is modified by many physiological
factors. Limitations inherent to the nervous system constrain how
much information may be processed and can influence choices made,
attentiveness to diverse stimuli, and responsiveness to risk (e.g.
of predation). Evolutionary adaptations of the sensory system and
brain for accommodating these constraints may govern how host
affiliations evolve. Changes in the nervous system as a result of
experience may also affect fitness in different ways. Both
genetically and environmentally based neurological traits may help
explain patterns of herbivore-host associations and diet breadth.
Making a choice
among plants
Insects searching
for an acceptable host plant must first locate and identify the
appropriate plant species. We know that the speed of host-finding
may be important. There may be time limits for various reasons,
while other ecological circumstances commonly impose a need for
speed, such as when resources are rare or scattered and predators
make searching risky. The accuracy with which host taxa are
selected, and individual plant quality assessed, are also
important, especially for insects with narrow host ranges and
specific nutritional requirements for larval development. If the
speed, accuracy and quality of choices are all to be maximized by
very small animals in a very complex sensory world, strong
selection for efficient neural processing might be expected as
might the adoption of high-contrast signals (Bernays & Wcislo,
The majority of
insect species use a very restricted number of hosts that
typically share characteristic phytochemicals, some volatile and
some nonvolatile. A subset of these compounds seems to be of great
importance for identification of the host (see Bernays & Chapman,
1984; Städler, 1992; Schoonhoven et al., 1998), and in some
extreme specialists great sensitivity to one or a few
host-specific chemicals totally dominates in host selection (e.g.
Ferguson et al., 1983; Pereyra & Bowers, 1988; Roessingh et al.,
1997). Plant taxa heavily endowed with relatively unusual
chemicals or suites of chemicals (non-apparent plant syndrome of
Feeny, 1975) are often hosts for relatively large numbers of
specialist insect species (e.g.Berenbaum, 1983). In addition,
specialists tend to be deterred more than generalists by non-host
secondary metabolites. I will make the case that specialists
benefit from the strong contrasts between cues from hosts and
mechanisms for acceptance/rejection used by different insect
groups may heighten perceived contrast in various ways. An
insect’s response to a chemical mixture may not be predictable
based on its responses to each chemical separately. Specifically,
interactions among chemical stimulants at the level of the
chemoreceptors can result in major changes in
concentration-response functions of particular stimulants, with
deterrents reducing input from positive inputs and vice versa
(e.g. Shields & Mitchell, 1995; Schoonhoven et al., 1998)). I will
demonstrate how such interactions could potentially alter the
total input from a mixture of conflicting inputs to either a clear
positive or a clear negative signal. Such process may be important
in producing the particular and synchronous firing of a suite of
taste cells, that appears to occur in some beetles only when the
requisite mixture of plant chemicals is present (Sperling &
Mitchell, 1991). In addition, highly synergistic effects of
multiple host compounds are seen in some cases (e.g. Städler &
Buser, 1984; Spencer et al., 1999), Thus a variety of mechanisms
can provide the clear signal needed for rapid decision-making in a
highly complex chemical world. Data so far suggest that the
predominant mechanisms vary among insect taxa. In any case, the
mechanisms could influence the evolutionary lability of host
associations, and the trajectory for a clade of insect herbivores
evolving with respect to host affiliation.
Some herbivorous
insects alter their preferences as a result of experience. In some
cases this results from increased or decreased sensitivity of
their chemoreceptors to certain metabolites (Renwick & Lopez,
1999). So far, such changes have been recorded in species that
feed on plants in at least several genera and lead to increased
acceptability of the experienced food, sometimes with a
concomitantly decreased acceptability of other potential foods -
once again, an increase in contrast between alternatives. Diet
quality also alters relative acceptability of alternatives
depending on nutrient need - a flexibility dependent on variation
in the strength of inputs from different nutrient chemoreceptors
(Simpson & Raubenheimer, 1993).
A minority of insect
herbivore species are extreme individual generalists, apparently
adapted to situations where food plant quality or abundance is
variable or unpredictable, or to situations where the food plants
may all be very rich in potentially noxious secondary metabolites.
Such herbivores engage in food mixing, eating a variety of plants
and frequently making choices about what to eat and what to
ignore. Such food mixers often appear to be stimulated by novel
chemicals, potentially reducing the inefficiency and complexity of
decision making (e.g. Bernays et al., 1997).
Evidence for limited
efficiency among generalists
Data will be
presented from experiments with butterflies (Janz & Nylin, 1997),
caterpillars (Bernays & Minkenberg, 1997), whiteflies (Bernays,
1999), aphids (Bernays & Funk, 1999) and grasshoppers (Bernays,
1998), indicating that having a choice of suitable foods reduces
efficiency of foraging, and that the specialists have significant
advantages. These benefits include the amount of time taken to
reach the host plant, the times taken to make decisions to accept
or reject potential food, the time taken to begin ingestion and
the time spent in pauses during a meal. In addition, the degree of
fidelity to the most suitable host in the presence of less
suitable host species and genotypes and the ability to choose
superior hosts in the presence of a choice of mixed-quality hosts
are shown to be greater in specialists than relative generalists.
Fitness benefits of
behavioral efficiency in host choice
Data will be
presented indicating that efficient decision-making has positive
fitness effects. This appears to be true for ovipositing insects
not just with respect to limitation on time overall, but also for
evasion of predation through rapid oviposition. Evidence will also
be presented for costs associated with the poor quality decisions
made by the relatively generalized Lepidoptera and Hemiptera due
to reduced growth rate, reduced survivorship and reduced fecundity
(Janz & Nylin, 199 7; Bernays & Minkenberg, 1997). Locomotor
activity is known to be risky with respect to predator and
parasitoid attack, and field studies demonstrate that predation
may be 100x more likely during feeding than during resting (Bernays,
1997), thus illustrating fitness costs of with reduced feeding
rates. In addition I argue that intermittent, hesitant, or picky
feeding behavior and any kind of dithering is dangerous not only
because it is conspicuous, but because an animal attentive to
food-related activities is unlikely to be attentive to
simultaneous environmental risks (Dukas, 1998).
Since protein is
often at low concentration in leaves (especially older leaves) and
the nitrogen requirements of insects tend to be relatively high,
herbivores often compensate by eating large amounts. Not only is
high quality food better for growth, but the risk of mortality via
predation is reduced on nutritious hosts since less time must be
spent feeding and vulnerable to predators. Indeed, perhaps the
fitness advantage associated with predator avoidance exceeds that
enjoyed due to increased growth rate. Safety and growth are
important together of course at a larger time scale - feeding on
high quality foliage may also reduce development time, reducing
the lifetime risk.
Leaves present very
diverse physical challenges, and highly diverse solutions have
been found by insects through adaptations of mouthpart morphology.
The frequency with which certain mandible types have evolved in
separate insect lineages with similar types of food indicates the
adaptive value of these structures (Bernays & Janzen, 1988;
Bernays, 1991). Furthermore, evolution of mouthparts can be very
rapid (Carroll & Boyd, 1992). In view of the ever-present risk of
predation, structures that determine handling time may be under
great selection pressure. Indeed, the preponderance herbivores
that feed on young easily-handled leaves, is probably a matter of
safety as much as nutrition.
Secondary chemistry
of plants
Among the hundreds
of thousands of phenols, alkaloids, terpenoids, iridoids,
flavonoids, steroids, and other chemical compounds of plants have
been the subject of considerable study (Rosenthal & Berenbaum,
1991). Many appear to have no effects at all on insect herbivores,
while others stimulate feeding and/or growth. Some are
sequestered, and of these many are clearly toxic in general and
serve as plant defenses against many herbivores Such chemicals
have often been considered toxic when close study demonstrated
they were actually deterrent only, the effects on test insects due
to starvation. Some herbivores, however, suffer deleterious
postingestive effects and perform poorly in some way, or learn to
avoid the plant as a result of feeding on it and move elsewhere,
both of which can be bad outcomes. In many cases, it is not at all
clear whether an ability to deal with toxins has been lost, as
suggested in the case of grass-feeding grasshoppers (Bernays,
1990), or whether the plants have evolved specific defenses
against particular insect herbivores (Berenbaum, 1983). It seems
likely that both scenarios occur.
Sequestering these
secondary metabolites for defense against predators is also common
among herbivores (Bowers, 1990). Besides clear and well-documented
fitness benefits of sequestration in highly aposematic species,
there are many more subtle cases, in which insects deposit
chemicals in the cuticle yet are not warningly colored (Bernays et
al., 1991), and others where they gain protection from predators
as a result of the gut contents alone (Sword, 1999). Although such
processes are not specifically relevant to the theme of
neuroecology, they do highlight once more the crucial importance
of natural enemies in the lives of insects on plants.
In this
presentation, I will also emphasize the very important roles of
plant secondary metabolites in signaling. First of all the
remarkable diversity chemicals found among plant taxa and within
individual plants allows potentially clear signals for every
specialist herbivores at taxonomic levels from plant species to
plant family (Bernays, 1996). That butterflies such as
checkerspots home in on plants from multiple families, simply
because of the presence of iridoid glycosides in host plants that
are otherwise extraordinarily diverse physically and chemically
(Bowers, 1983), is startling evidence of the influence of simple
chemical signals on insect behavior. Evidence is beginning to
suggest that such cases are not unusual. In addition, deterrence
of non-host compounds, being greater for specialists, increases
sensory contrast between host and nonhost.
Diversity and the
association of insect and plant clades
It has become clear
from both fossil studies (Labandiera, 1998) and molecular
phylogenies (Farrell & Mitter, 1993) that among all the
herbivorous insect groups studied, great diversification is
historically associated with the expansion and increased diversity
of angiosperms. Although this could arise through coevolutionary
processes associated with arms races, I argue that it could be at
least partly the result of herbivore tracking diverse genotypes in
a plant population and subsequent speciation of herbivores on
established plant host races or species.
The selective
pressures on the sensory system and its central nervous
projections, would favor those insects that match the fine tuning
of their detection of distinctive signals with particular plant
chemotypes, and would thus be acting through the agency of
ecological risk. So, as plants changed and diversified chemically,
insect herbivores, being so dependent on specific cues, also
changed and diversified so that discrimination of signals from
hosts could be maintained at maximum levels of contrast. In this
way, vigilance for predators could be maintained at maximum
levels. Evidence for tracking chemicals in this way has been
demonstrated in one study of a group of beetles and their host
plants (Becerra, 1997), and a model is presented to further
illustrate this scenario.
Although I will make
the case for tracking of chemotypes, it is not impossible for
diversification of insect herbivores, driven by such neural
processes, to result from coevolutionary processes. However,
rather than invoking toxins, the currency would be in terms of
signal information.
Plants as active
The widespread
occurrence of herbivory-induced chemical changes in plants (Karban
& Baldwin 1997; Agrawal et al., 1999) will be discussed not only
as a direct defense but also as an indirect one, that plays on the
vulnerability of these small herbivores to multiple risks from
predators and parasitoids. Plants may encourage mortality of
herbivores by causing them to decrease vigilance. This could
involve increased searching and foraging activity, intermittent
feeding, and restlessness that is induced by unusual or increasing
levels of ingested secondary metabolites.
The synthesis
presented here depends on knowing the insect - understanding it as
an organism. The details of behavior and physiology, especially
neurophysiology, have suggested a theoretical approach to the
study of insect-plant interactions, namely the constraints on
neural processing and the diverse effects of these constraints in
ecology and evolution. I believe that this approach will allow us
to understand more about all aspects of the insect-plant
interaction in a way that has been difficult in recent decades.
The importance of avoiding anthropomorphism and subjectivity in
the study of animals may have mitigated against the study of them
as individuals with behavioral and neural limitations that impact
every aspect of their lives.
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Copyright: The copyrights of
this original work belong to the authors (see right-most box in
title table). This abstract appeared in Plenury lecures–
Abstract Book I – XXI-International Congress of Entomology,
Brazil, August 20-26, 2000.