
Abstracts from the XXI International Congress of Entomology

Blenau W & Baumann A, 2000, Molecular properties of biogenic amine receptors cloned from honeybee (Apis mellifera) brain

Brown MR, Stanek DA, Pohl J, 2000, Identification of two new brain/midgut peptides in a mosquito

Holmes SP, Pietrantonio PV, 2000, Cloning and developmental expression of a lymnokinin-like receptor from the cattle fever tick, Boophilus microplus (Acari: Ixodidae)

Loeb MJ, DeLoof A, Gelman DB, Hakim RS, Jaffe H, Kochansky JP, Meola SM, Schoofs L, Vafopoulou X, Wagner RM & Woods CW, 2000, Testis ecdysiotropin, an insect gonadotropin that induces synthesis of ecdysteroid

Nachman RJ, Broeck JV, Williams H & Isaac RE, 2000, Mimetic insectatachykinin analogs: Interaction with an expression with an expressed stable fly tachykinin-like receptor and active conformation

Parmentier ML, Ramaekers A, Bockaert J, 2000, Drosophila metabotropic glutamate receptors: Structure and functions

Quesada-Allué LA, Wappner P, Pérez MM, 2000, ß-Alanyl derivatives in cuticle and neural tissue

Roeder T, Gewecke M, 2000, Biogenic amines as neurotransmitters and neuromodulators

Torfs H, Nachman R, Åkerman K, Poels J, Van Poyer W, De Loof A, Vassart G, Parmentier M, Guerrero F & Vanden Broeck J, 2000, Differential activation of an insect G protein-coupled peptide receptor by insectatachykinin-like agonists

Loeb MJ, DeLoof A, Gelman DB, Hakim RS, Jaffe H, Kochansky JP, Meola SM, Schoofs L, Vafopoulou X, Wagner RM & Woods CW, 2000, Testis ecdysiotropin, an insect gonadotropin that induces synthesis of ecdysteroid

Schoofs L, Breuer M, Cerstiaens A, Baggerman G, Wei Z, Clynen E, Vercammen T, Tanaka S & De Loof A, 2000, Neuropeptides in locusts: Progress in the search for functions

Lorenz MW, 2000, Allatostatins: Diversity in structures, functions, and occurrence


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