Membrane dynamics of rapid fluid transportation in the malpighian
tubules of the House cricket, Acheta domesticus
S. R. Hazelton,
J. H. Spring, B. E. Felgenhauer & V. R. Townsend Jr
Dept. Biology, Univ.
of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA 70504-2451, USA
In Acheta
domesticus the Malpighian tubules (Mt) are composed of three
morphologically distinct regions, each consisting of a single cell
type. The bulk of the Mt is composed of the mid-tubule which is
identifiable at both the light and electron microscopy level. The
mid-tubule is 50-70 ?m in diameter and is composed of a single
layer of cuboidal epithelial cells joined by septate desmosomes.
These cells display the classic architecture of transport
epithelia possessing extensive basolateral infoldings and a dense
brush border. The mid-tubule is secretory in function and responds
to endocrine stimulation. Our research centers on correlating the
physiological response of the mid-tubule with the corresponding
ultrastructural changes within the cells following the addition of
various secretagogues. One of the most striking ultrastructural
changes occurs when the Mt are stimulated with the second
messenger dibutyryl cAMP. The increase in secretion rate
(approximately doubling) is accompanied by notable changes in
ultrastructure, the most prominent being membrane re-organization
to increase the surface area of the basolateral infolds and
vesiculation. The extensive pattern of endomembrane distribution
noted in unstimulated tissue disappears following stimulation and
the concretions (spherites) begin to dissolve. The area of the
cell given over to vesicles/vacuoles more than doubles over 420 s
post-stimulation. We followed the membrane dynamics of the
mid-tubule using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Scanning
Electron Microscopy (SEM) coupled with freeze-cleaving followed by
extraction of the cytosol, and various fluorescent tracers (FM ®
4-64, ER-Tracker ™ , DiOC6 ). The SEM technique was developed in
our laboratory to provide a three-dimensional view of membrane
structure. Using this technique we were able to observe the
increase in basolateral infoldings along with the presence of
dilated areas of membrane suggestive of the vesiculation pattern
of stimulated tissue previously observed with TEM. Our findings
suggest that there is an intricate endomembrane network that
vesiculates in response to rapid fluid transport possibly to
compartmentalize fluid to prevent dilution of the cytoplasm.
Supported by NSF grant IBN-9807948 to JHS and BEF.
Index terms:
secretion, ultrastructure, cAMP
Copyright: The copyrights of
this abstract belong to the author (see right-most box of title
table). This document also appears in Session 13 – INSECT
and Poster Session, ABSTRACT BOOK II – XXI-International
Congress of Entomology, Brazil, August 20-26, 2000.