In view of the large
size of principal cells in Malpighian tubules of the yellow fever
mosquito Aedes aegypti, we explored the application of two electrode
voltage clamp methods (TEVC) that usually are employed to study
transport proteins over-expressed in Xenopus oocytes. A single
principal cell of the isolated Malpighian tubule was impaled with
current and voltage electrodes. In 49 principal cells the
intracellular voltage (Vpc) was -86.7 mV, and the input resistance (Rpc)
was 388.5 K?. In a subset of 6 principal cells, Ba 2+ (15 mM)
hyperpolarized Vpc and increased Rpc from 325.3 K? to 684.5 K?
(p<0.001). In the presence of Ba 2+ , leucokinin-VIII (1 µM)
increased Vpc to –101.8 mV (p<0.001), and reduced Rpc to 340.2 K?
(p<0.002). These data were analyzed on the basis of an electrical
equivalent circuit model of transepithelial NaCl and KCl secretion (Pannabecker
et al., J. Membr. Biol. 132, 63, 1993). Circuit analysis revealed:
basolateral membrane resistance Rbl = 652.0 K?, apical membrane
resistance Ra = 340.2 K?, shunt resistance Rsh = 344.3 K?. It
follows that the transcellular resistance Rcell = Rbl + Ra is 992.2
K?, that Rcell/Rsh = 3.53, and that the fractional resistance of
apical membrane fRa = Ra/Rcell is 0.35. Estimates of Rcell/Rsh and
fRa obtained using a different method (cable analysis of in vitro
perfused tubules, CA) yield 3.33 and 0.32 respectively, validating
the use of TEVC methods in principal cells of Aedes Malpighian
tubules. Further comparison of data from TEVC experiments with data
obtained using CA in isolated perfused tubules suggests electrical
coupling of five to six principal cells. As shown in other abstracts
presented at this meeting, TEVC methods allow the functional
dissection of transport systems operating at basolateral and apical
membranes in intact principal cells in situ. (NSF IBN 9604394)
Index terms:
Malpighian tubules, electrolyte and fluid secretion, principal
cells, shunt pathway.
Copyright: The copyrights of this
abstract belong to the author (see right-most box of title table).
This document also appears in Session 13 – INSECT PHISIOLOGY,
Session, ABSTRACT BOOK II – XXI-International Congress of
Entomology, Brazil, August 20-26, 2000.