Role of ATP
in regulating and integrating transport transport across principal
cells of malpighian tubules
K. W. Beyenbach
Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Cornell University, VRT 8014, Ithaca, NY
14853, USA
Using X-ray analysis, we
showed that cAMP causes diuresis by stimulating transepithelial
secretion of NaCl and not KCl in Malpighian tubules of the yellow
fever mosquito Aedes aegypti (Williams & Beyenbach, J. Comp.
Physiol., B 154, 301, 1984). Cyclic AMP was later identified as second
messenger of mosquito natriuretic peptide and other CRF-like diuretic
peptides. Cyclic AMP increases basolateral membrane Na + conductance
in principal cells, thereby increasing Na + entry and stimulating
active transport into the lumen (Sawyer & Beyenbach, Am. J. Physiol.
248, R339, 1985). Using electrophysiological methods, we found that
transepithelial Cl - secretion is passive, mediated outside principal
cells, and driven by the transepithelial lumen-positive voltage (Hayes
et al., Life Sciences 44, 1259, 1989). Cl - passing through the shunt
serves as counterion for active Na + and K + transport through
principal cells. Leucokinin stimulates secretion of both NaCl and KCl
by increasing shunt Cl - conductance (Pannabecker et al., J. Membr.
Biol. 132, 63, 1993). Though the site of the shunt, stellate cells or
paracellular junctions, is controversial, there is agreement on
separate active (Na + , K + ) and passive (Cl - ) transport pathways,
controlled respectively by CRF-like and leucokinin-like diuretic
peptides (O'Donnell et al., J. exp. Biol. 199, 173, 1996; Beyenbach,
J. Insect Physiol. 41, 197, 1995). Using the methods of two electrode
voltage clamp in a single principal cell, we now have learned that
apical and basolateral membrane voltages are electrically coupled via
the shunt. Thus, the voltage generated by the vacuolar H + -ATPase at
the apical membrane determines the electrical driving force for Na +
and K + entry at the basolateral membrane, coupling entry and exit
steps. Inhibition of metabolism by dinitrophenol (DNP) reversibly
increases basolateral membrane resistance almost 8-fold (652 K? to
5038 K?) and increases apical membrane resistance nearly 20-fold (340
K? to 6718 K?). Hence, conductive pathways shut down at both
membranes, allowing transport to spring back again upon DNP washout.
The effects of DNP can be duplicated (reversibly) by cyanide (CN - )
and fluoride (F - ). DNP collapses the mitochondrial proton gradient,
CN - inhibits cytochrome oxidase, and F - inhibits glycolysis, but all
inhibit ATP synthesis. Effects shared in common by DNP, CN - and F -
suggest a role of ATP in regulating and integrating diverse conductive
pathways (pumps, carriers and channels) at basolateral and apical
membranes. The on/off effect of DNP with switch-like speed points to
high turnover rates of ATP. (NSF IBN 9604394)
Index terms: CRF-like
peptides, leucokinin, cAMP, ATP, principal cells, shunt.
Copyright: The copyrights of this
abstract belong to the author (see right-most box of title table).
This document also appears in Session 13 – INSECT PHISIOLOGY,
Session, ABSTRACT BOOK II – XXI-International Congress of
Entomology, Brazil, August 20-26, 2000.