Scientific Reference Resources:
Links to Organizations of Interest to Arthropod
This is a list of links to the websites of about 400
organizations (primarily government agencies and scientific
societies) which bear some relation to the field of arthropod
endocrinology. You may access either the alphabetical listing or
organization category listing. Entries in the latter are grouped
into 12 categories such as "endocrinology societies,"
"governmental departments of agriculture," and "chemical
Alphabetical listing:
Organization category listing:
Scientific Reference Resources:
Directory of Arthropod Endocrinologists
This publication includes contact information for over 3000
individuals who study arthropod endocrinology, arthropod
hormones, or their analogues. It also provides links to the
homepages of over 550 researchers and laboratories which conduct
research in the field of arthropod endocrinology
Scientific Reference Resources:
Arthropod Endocrinology News Journal Links
A list of links to the homepages of over 400 journals which
publish arthropod endocrinology research. All of the links were
verified most recently on 9 October 1999.