Strategies for finding novel insect neurohormone receptors and
their ligands, using the potentials of the Berkeley "Drosophila
Genome Project"
C. Lenz, T. Secher &
C. J. P.
Dept. of Cell
Biology, Zoological Institute, University of Copenhagen,
Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
We developed a
method for creating “electronic probes” to screen the Berkeley
“Drosophila Genome Project” database for G protein-coupled
(presumably neurohormone) receptors. Using these “electronic
probes”, we could localize DNA sequences in the Drosophila
database that coded for two different Drosophila G protein-coupled
receptors that were clearly related to the mammalian galanin
receptors. Using PCR, with Drosophila cDNA as a template, and
oligonucleotide probes coding for the exons of the presumed
Drosophila receptor genes, we were able to clone the cDNA’s for
these receptors: Drosophila galanin receptor-1 (DGR-1) has 37%
amino acid sequence identity with the rat galanin receptor type-1.
The DGR-1 gene contains ten introns and eleven exons and is
located at the distal end of the X chromosome. During the
preparation of our manuscript on this work [1], a competing
research group published a Drosophila cDNA sequence that was
nearly identical to our DGR-1 cDNA [2]. This group also reported
that their cDNA coded for a receptor for a Drosophila allatostatin,
which is a neuropeptide that inhibits the release of juvenile
hormone from the corpora allata, but that also has other
inhibitory actions [2]. The other receptor gene that we cloned
with our approach, DGR-2, codes for a receptor that is very
closely related to DGR-1 (85% amino acid sequence identity) and,
thus, very likely represents a second receptor for Drosophila
allatostatin. Furthermore, by classical homology screening using
PCR, we also cloned a presumed allatostatin receptor from the
silkworm Bombyx mori.
[1] Lenz, C.,
Søndergaard, L., and Grimmelikhuijzen, C. J. P. (2000) Biochem.
Biophys. Res. Commun., March 1 issue, in press.
[2] Birgül, N., Weise, C., Kreienkamp, H.-J., and Richter, D.
(1999) EMBO J. 18: 5892-5900.
Index terms:
Drosophila melanogaster, Bombyx mori, allatostatin, juvenile
hormone, development, reproduction.
Copyright: The copyrights of
this document belong to the authors (see right-most box in title
table) This abstract appears in Session 13 – INSECT PHISIOLOGY,
Session, ABSTRACT BOOK II – XXI-International Congress of
Entomology, Brazil, August 20-26, 2000.