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Sanibel Island        Images © Mark A. Chappell

Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island, Florida, is very famous among birders and photographers.   It also offers some wonderful scenic views, as here.   I used a split neutral-density gradient filter to help even out the exposure in the sky and its reflection in the water (in one of the lower photos, a fish has just jumped, leaving some ripples behind). The after-sunset shots were made using time exposures of up to 30 sec, which generated the motion blur in the clouds in the scene at upper right. The illumination on the birds (roseate spoonbills, wood storks, and egrets) came from the lights at a nearby high school stadium.

  • Canon 1D Mk. II or 1D3, 17-40 mm or 24-105 mm IS lenses (2006, 2008)